Final Year Project

The Final Year Project consists of one or more semesters of intensive scientific research under the supervision of a faculty member, culminating in a presentation and comprehensive project report.
Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
For undergraduates in the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry programmes, doing the FYP may be optional; check your programme curriculum for details.
The FYP consists of the module CM4080 (Honours Project 1), or CM4078 for students matriculating prior to 2019. Students may also apply for CM4073 (Honours Project 2, 3 AU, Pass/Fail), a shorter project intended for students who already took CM4078/ CM4080 and wish to extend their project, or students who are not intending to do the FYP but wish to gain some research experience.
Preparing for the Final Year Project
The prerequisites for the FYP module are CM3061 (Chemistry & Biological Chemistry Laboratory 3) and CM3062 (Chemistry & Biological Chemistry Laboratory 4). Please plan your course schedule appropriately. If you need special permission from the Division to take the FYP without fulfilling the prerequisites, please email the FYP coordinators before the start of the FYP add/drop period. Requests submitted after the deadline will not be entertained.
Before the start of the FYP application period, you should contact various professors and discuss whether they are willing to be your supervisor. You should also discuss the scope of the FYP project, and what they expect from you. Professors are unlikely to agree to supervise students who have not met them.
Overseas Final Year Project
Students are allowed to do their FYP overseas. This can either be arranged through a GEM programme, or via a separate arrangement (in previous cases, for instance, students started out doing URECA research under professors with overseas collaborators, and were subsequently invited abroad to continue their projects). If you go through GEM, it will be up to you to contact a prospective supervisor at the host university, secure his/her agreement, and define an appropriate project.
- Eligible OFYP is allowed only in the NTU partner universities and with the prior approval from FYP coordinator for the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry programme. This must be arranged through GEM Explorer, and you will need to secure an exchange placement. Partner Universities' brochures are available via GEM Mobility Portal
- Credit transfer from the host university for the FYP is not required – you will be registered for CM4078/CM4080 or CM4073 in NTU if your OFYP is approved.
- OFYP report and presentation will be graded by CCEB faculty, same as local FYP students, as well as the supervisor in the host university. It is up to you to ensure that this assessment is submitted on time, by stipulated deadline.
- You are expected to attend the FYP presentation session in Singapore at the end of OFYP. If you are unable to return to Singapore in time, justification should be provided and we will arrange a video link for your presentation. The online presentation is subject to the approval from FYP coordinator.
- If you only do OFYP without taking courses in the host university, you do not need to do course matching in the GEM Explorer Course Matching Portal.
- Students undertaking FYP while on exchange can take up to two additional courses (along with the overseas FYP). AU credit of these additional courses can be transferred as MPE credit upon course matching approval by the exchange coordinator. You will also need to check with the host university for further guidelines if you are allowed to take courses when doing research for FYP
Final Year Project Application
The relevant FYP application deadlines will be sent to your NTU email account.
Applications are entered using the Final Year Project System (via Student Intranet → Academic Matters → Survey/Subject Option/FYP → Final Year Project Selection).
Even if you are a URECA participant continuing on to an FYP with your existing supervisor, you must still go through the online application system! Otherwise, you will not get enrolled in the Honours Project module.
Note that you may submit no more than 3 choices of supervisor during your application. Please make your choices carefully. As mentioned above, we strongly recommend that you contact and discuss with each prospective supervisor beforehand. Do not put yourself down for several projects from a single professor; you should name 3 different professors. Once the system closes, project assignments are irreversible.
Please print and retain the page showing your project selections, just in case the system has a technical fault.
Finally, if you are taking CM4078/CM4080 (Honours Project 1), please note that you may register for no more than two additional courses that semester. You should discuss your course-load with your supervisor, once you are assigned one.
During Your Final Year Project
Once you have been assigned a research supervisor for your FYP, schedule a meeting with the professor as soon as possible. During that meeting, you should discuss just what the project entails, what time commitment the professor expects from you, how frequently you will meet with your professor to discuss your progress, and other relevant matters.
Good luck! We hope you enjoy the research experience!
FYP Report / Thesis Submission
Each student must upload the final version of the FYP Report / Thesis to the NTU Digital Repository (DR-NTU) for achieving, by following these steps:
- Click deposit button to start a new submission at the DR-NTU homepage.
- Login using NTU network account (without prefix "student\" in username.
- Select the collection “CCEB Student Report (FYP/IA/PA/PI)” to submit to.
- You will be required to grant NTU Library a Non-exclusive Distribution License upon submission.
- Follow the online instructions to enter all the necessary information.
- You will receive an email notification with a URL generated for your work if your submission is approved; or an email notification with reason for rejection if your submission is not approved.
If you encounter any problems, please refer to the DR-NTU User Guide or email
If an embargo or exemption is needed, follow these steps:
- Go to this link (or you can go to Student ServiceNow Portal > Request for Services > Library Services > Request for Embargo or Exemption of Thesis/FYP in DR-NTU.
- Fill in the request form and submit. Your supervisor will receive an email notification to approve/reject the request. Please also alert your supervisor to approve in Staff ServiceNow portal.
- You can check the progress of your request at Student ServiceNow portal
- Once approved,
- For embargo, the Library will process your request within 3 working days. Library would send you a confirmation email with Reference Number. You then use it to submit your work to DR-NTU.
- For exemption, the full-text of your work can be exempted from deposit.
For more details on the embargo and exemption policies for DR-NTU, please refer to the DR-NTU User Guide.
BG4801 Final Year Project
As part of Bioengineering curriculum, all final year students are required to read BG4801 Final Year Project (FYP) under the supervision of SCBE faculty member(s). FYP spans over two-semester of the academic year. At the end of the final semester, the student is required to produce a report, poster and present an oral presentation (approximately 15 minutes) about the project. Their report will be graded by the FYP supervisor and moderated by a panel which consists of three faculty staff, while oral presentation will be graded by an appointed examiner.
Final Year Project Timeline
Eligible students will be informed (via email) of the instructions and detailed timeline, for FYP selection and allocation, prior to the commencement of Semester 1. The information will also be made available via FYP Student Handbook in the ‘Announcement’ tab on SCBE website.
Students may access FYP projects information via Student Intranet (Student Intranet > Academic Matters > Survey/Subject Option/FYP > SCBE Final Year Project) as indicated in the given timeline. They can then proceed to initiate discussion with faculty on projects which are of interest to them. Students who are in overseas may contact faculty via email for discussion.
a) FYP-URECA The URECA-FYP and SCBE-FYP systems are not linked. Students who have been allocated a FYP-URECA project have to inform SCBE Undergraduate Office accordingly and provide the project details.
b) Self-proposed Project Students may self-propose a project outside of SCBE, under the supervision of an external party. However, the student need to ensure that the project is endorsed and co-supervised by a suitable SCBE faculty member. The SCBE co-supervisor will facilitate the submission and allocation of the project in the FYP system, in the last week of July.
FYP Reports and Posters Submissions
Students should submit their reports and posters via softcopy in NTULearn BG4801 course site. Detailed instructions will be provided via email. Please also find the templates for FYP report and poster for reference.
Students are to upload the finalised FYP report to the library. Procedures to submit your FYP Report can be found in the user guide.
Do be reminded to consult your supervisors (including external supervisors, if applicable) on the confidentiality level of your FYP report.
If an embargo or exemption is needed, students need to follow these 5 simple steps:
1. Fill in the request Form.
2. Get your supervisor to sign and endorse your request form.
3. Email the completed request form to NTU Library at and copy to your supervisor.
4. The Library will revert within 3 working days.
5. Once approved, a) For Embargo: follow the Library’s instructions to submit and set embargo to your work in DR-NTU. b) For Exemption: you are exempted and do not need to submit your work or the metadata record in DR-NTU.
For more details on Embargo/Exemption for DR-NTU Submission, please click here
For enquires on DR-NTU submission, please email
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
CH4801 Final Year Design Project
to write good technical reports and effective presentations.
CH4702/CH4703 Independent Research Project (IRP)
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) students have the option to register for CH4702/CH4703* Independent Research Project (IRP) as a 3AU Major-PE. The IRP will be supervised by SCBE faculty and spans over one-semester of the academic year. At the end of the semester, the student is required to produce a report, poster and present an oral presentation (approximately 15 minutes). The report will be graded by the IRP supervisor and oral presentation will be graded by an appointed examiner.
*students doing their first IRP will register for CH4702, and if doing the second IRP will register for CH4703
Independent Research Project Timeline
Students will be informed of detailed timeline of CH4702/CH4703 IRP selection and allocation via email before the semester commence.
All IRP projects will be available online on Student Intranet to the students (Student Intranet > Academic Matters > Survey/Subject Option/FYP > SCBE Final Year Project) as per stated in the given timeline. Students can then proceed to initiate discussion with faculty on projects that interest them. Students who are overseas may contact faculty via email for discussion.
Please note that students should only register for IRP during the add-drop period if they have been allocated a project. Dropping of the module and changing of supervisor is not allowed after registration.
IRP Reports and Posters Submissions Students should email their final reports and posters via softcopy to their IRP supervisors and through CCEB Undergraduate Office at Detailed instructions will be provided via email.