Central Environmental Science and Engineering Laboratory


Central Environmental Science and Engineering Laboratory (CESEL) is a specialized facility that performs scientific analysis and characterization on various materials university wide, mainly in environmental analysis, water chemistry, hazardous waste classification, trace organic and inorganic analysis and construction materials.

The Lab utilizes advanced instrumentation and methodologies to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis. These methodologies include Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Imaging, Mass Spectrometry and X-ray techniques.

Our staff aims to support research and innovation and is determined to assist you in any way possible to meet your requirements.

Other Supporting Equipment and Facilities

  1. Benchtop Centrifuge
  2. Furnace
  3. Fume Hood
  4. Ultrasonic Bath
  5. Walk-in Cold Room

Instrument Usage Price List

Facilities Booking Procedures

  1. Download Equipment Usage Equipment Usage Charging Form.pdf Form.pdf
  2. Fill up the fields highlighted in yellow as shown below.

  3. Submit the form to CESEL lab staff @ N1-B2a-02 for request of online booking access.
  4. Upon getting online booking access, log in to  https://cebs.ntu.edu.sg/fom/ and proceed to make booking for equipment usage.
  5. You may contact CESEL Staff at 67904851 for further queries on sample preparation and method development for CESEL instruments.

Laboratory Safety

Lab Safety is essential to ensure a safe and efficient working environment. Following proper safety rules and guidelines can help to prevent accidents, injuries and contaminations. We are dedicated to ensuring that all our users are adequately protected while performing their experimental works in the Lab.

General Rules

1. Lab Users and Visitors are required to be in this Dress Code.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) MUST always be worn when working in area demarcated by yellow lines.