Internship for Engineering Students


In the curriculum structure at NTU, all Engineering students must successfully complete one of the internship programme before their graduation.


The purposes of the internship programme are to supplement NTU's in-house practical professional training and to lessen on-the-job training of these students when they graduate. It is also to instill the right kind of work attitude and professionalism, so that they can become effective and productive to their respective organisations earlier than is usual for fresh graduates.

 Professional Internship (AU) Enhanced Professional Internship (AU)Professional Attachment (AU)
Course Code (AU)EE3279(10)
IM3279 (10)
EE3277 (15)
IM3277 (15)
EE3276 (5)
IM3276 (5)
Programme TypeALLALL
  • Direct-Entry Year 2 Student
  • Double Degree & Second Major Students
    (Optional Choice) 
(Year 1 Admission)
**3279(AY2016 & onwards)
**3277(AY2016 & onwards)
(Direct-Entry Year 2)
**3279(AY2017 – AY2020)
**3277(AY2017 – AY2020)
**3276(AY2022 & onwards)
Source for PlacementCareer Attachment Office
Student OR
Upon request by company
Career Attachment Office
Period20 weeks
[Jan – Jun] or [Jul – Dec]
30 weeks
[Jan ‐Aug]
10 weeks
[May ‐Jun]
Number of AssessmentTwiceThriceOnce


Eligibility Criteria

  • Year 1 Admission = Year 3 standing and completed four semesters of study.
  • Year 2 Direct-Entry Admission = Year 3 standing and completed two semesters of study.


Assessment of Students

The participating organisation is required to assign a supervisor, preferably an engineer, to supervise the student and assess his/her work performance during the internship. Students will also be assessed by an NTU faculty member.


Allowance and Working Hours

The allowance to be paid to the student will be determined by the organisation. As a guide, organisations are paying S$800 to S$1500 per month (CPF exempted) for internship in Singapore. This subsistence allowance paid to students to meet his/her daily expenses and board and lodging (in the case of foreign student) is not liable to income tax in Singapore, as long as there is no employment contract between the student and the participating organisation.  Students will follow the normal office working hours of the organisation.  For overseas internship, students are normally paid according to the industrial norms in the country of internship.



Students are insured against industrial hazards or accidents through a Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme arranged by NTU. The University has also taken up a Public Liability Policy Insurance to indemnify organisations against claims and damages arising because of an act committed by NTU students in the course of the internship.


Certificate of Accomplishment

Upon completion of the internship programme, students will be awarded Certificates of Accomplishment, jointly signed by the Director of Career & Attachment Office, NTU and a nominated representative of the organisation.


Contact Person

For more information, please contact the administrators via