Students' Take: Voices from the Class of 2024: What I learned during my first year of medical school

Melissa Wong 

"The flexible timetable at LKCMedicine has allowed me to be involved in the Overseas Community Involvement Project. Through Project Daya, I visited Batam and imparted basic health knowledge to the villagers. It is really enriching to learn about their lives and make new friendships." 
Ernest Ong 

​"A year in LKCMedicine has taught me the importance of being disciplined to study consistently. With Team-Based Learning, I can study at my own pace and own time. This helps me to balance my personal activities and studies." 
Ho Wan Xi

"Practising with simulated patients have helped me to improve my clinical communication skills. During the first session, I was nervous speaking to a simulated patient (a real person/actor trained to act as a patient). However, with the encouragement and feedback from my tutor and peers, I am now more comfortable speaking to such patients."
Abu Bakar Shakran Bin Mahmood 

"I was a student leader in the Young Mendaki Club Healthcare Challenge. Before the workshop, I was involved in the planning of the station activities which showcase various career opportunities in healthcare. The experience serves as a good reminder of the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead of me when I become a doctor."
Purjita Kiruparan

​"I can always count on my batchmates and seniors from the Alexander Fleming House. It is a huge jump transiting from junior college to medical school. However, my House seniors gave me advice and shared their experiences of the transition. Their support has helped ease my transition and made me feel welcome to the LKCMedicine family. "