Students' Take: MedSoc ExCo 2022/2023 presses ahead in the face of COVID-19 challenges

By Amelia Chay, Class of 2023, President, 9th Students' Medical Society

The past year has been hard on our students, pre-clinical and clinical alike, given the ongoing pandemic.

Yet, the 8th LKCMedicine Students’ Medical Society Management Committee (or “LKCMedSoc ExCo”), Committee Heads, House Representatives and Year Representatives have overcome many restrictions to continue improving our student life here at LKCMedicine. Their work has had a great and far-reaching impact, and we are immensely grateful for their determination and perseverance. We would like to thank and congratulate them on a fulfilling term and a well-deserved break.

On behalf of the 9th LKCMedSoc ExCo, I would like to express our gratitude for the students who have placed their trust in us. We are deeply humbled by this opportunity to serve the student body, to give back to the School and our peers who have allowed us to grow so much and made LKCMedicine a place we can call home.

The 9th LKCMedSoc ExCo has shared our vision for the term ahead and we are looking forward to working together to follow in our seniors’ footsteps and continue their good work. With that, I am pleased to introduce the members of the 9th LKCMedSoc ExCo:

  • Vice-President (Education): Thirrisha Murugan (M4)
  • Vice-President (Wellbeing): Sean Lim Lig Chuang (M4)
  • Honorary General Secretary: Amanda Auyong Sze Yen (M2)
  • Honorary Treasurer: Chew Weixuan (M2)
  • Programmes Director: Lim Rong (M2)
  • Outreach Director: Au Wei Yung (M2)

From left: Lim Rong, Sean Lim, Amanda Auyong, Amelia Chay, Chew Weixuan, Thirrisha Murugan, and Au Wei Yung

The LKCMedSoc has always strived to help improve student life at LKCMedicine by garnering feedback from our peers and advocating for changes in both academic and non-academic fields within the School. This will continue to be our focus for the year.

As we are representatives of the students, we must have our boots on the ground and listen closely to the issues troubling our peers. Only when we truly understand the concerns of the student population can we effectively represent them at meetings with the School’s faculty and administration. Furthermore, if students feel heard, they will be more engaged and empowered to share their opinions and feedback, to become catalysts for change. Our seniors have worked hard to increase student engagement, and we hope to continue this culture.

We also plan to improve academic support for all students, through various new initiatives. For instance, we are looking to re-introduce the Research Symposium so that students can come together to learn more about research techniques and opportunities, no matter what level of experience they have.

Although there is still uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope to bring back many events that promote a cohesive school culture, give our students a time and place to unwind from their busy schedules with their friends, and explore their interests outside of studies. These include volunteering opportunities or festival celebrations (Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya, and more), and signature events such as Peanut Butter and Jam (PBnJ) and M1 Dinner and Dance (DnD). We will also look into supporting students’ mental wellbeing and increasing awareness of available resources, especially during stressful exam periods. 

Medical school is greatly rewarding and stimulating; however, it can also be challenging and arduous. We hope that through these initiatives (and many more that we have in store), LKCMedicine will continue to be a warm place where students learn and grow together, where they can create memories to be cherished for life.

The year ahead may be difficult, but the 9th LKCMedSoc ExCo will work hard and make the best use of this opportunity to continue enhancing our vibrant student life at LKCMedicine. We look forward to working with our faculty, administration and fellow students, and hope they will continue to lend us their support during this term.