Overseas Exchange


NTU offers enriching student mobility programmes through its Global Education and Mobility (GEM) initiatives such as GEM Discoverer and GEM Explorer.

GEM Explorer enables students to take courses or do research in an overseas partner university for one full semester while exploring a new country and culture.

GEM Discoverer offers various short-term programmes (ranging from 2 to 6 weeks) that place students overseas for work and/ or study.

Students’ Global Experience (SGE) Award
Global exposure is becoming more and more important in today’s world and MSE strongly encourages its students to go for overseas attachments. The School has set up the Students’ Global Experience (SGE) Award. More information is available here


Course Matching:

  • Matching of courses is done at the School level. It is important for students to discuss exchange plans with the School’s exchange coordinators. OGEM is unable to provide students with advice on course matching and/or academic matters.
  • Students are expected to do adequate research independently on the course matches. Please submit Course Matching Form to MSE Course Matching Coordinator - Ratih Oktarini ([email protected]) before submitting the course matching request through the Course Matching Module.
  • Course Matching Form can be found here.
  • Students should match host university courses to specific NTU courses (wherever possible) instead of matching to generic categories such as UE or GER-PE.
  • Disapproved course matches should not be deleted as such records in the CourseFinder database will be useful for future references.

Credit Transfer:

  • All credit transfers are processed by the Office of Academic Services (OAS), in conjunction with the School, and requires a considerable amount of time. The School seeks the patience and understanding from students.
  • The minimum grade to be counted for credit (AU) transfer has to be equitable to a Pass grade at the host university.
  • All Pass and Fail courses from the host university is processed accordingly and will be reflected in Degree Audits and transcripts.
  • All courses from the host university must have continual assessments (CA) and/or examinations. Academic credits will not be given for courses that are not assessable.

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