BSB Curriculum AY2022 to AY2023 Intake


Major Course TypeAU
Biomedical Sciences (BioM) Major Core Courses 39
Major Prescribed Electives3
BioBusiness (BioBiz) Major Core Courses 39
Major Prescribed Electives3
Biological Sciences (BMS) + BioBusiness (BioBiz) Core (Final Year Project) 12
Interdisciplinary Common Core (ICC) Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core: Common Core 17
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core: Foundational Core15 
Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE) Broadening and Deepening Electives 12
 Total 140 AU


Biomedical Sciences (BioM) Major - Core

Year 1
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BioM-Core BS1016Physiology3

Year 1
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BioM-CoreBS1005Biochemistry I3
BioM-Core BS1006 Principles of Genetics3
BioM-CoreBS1007Molecular and Cell Biology I3
BioM-Core BS1009 Introduction to Computational Thinking 3
BioM-CoreBS1100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 13

Year 2
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BioM-Core BS2003 Biochemistry II3
BioM-CoreBS2100Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques Level 23
BioM-Core BS2028Biophysical methods applied to biological sciences3

Year 2
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BioM-Core BS3109Fundamentals of Immunology3
BioM-CoreBS2004Molecular & Cell Biology II3
BioM-Core BS3013Drug Discovery and Development, Biotechnology3
BioM-CoreBS2021RNA Structure and RNA-based Drug Development3


BioBusiness (BioBiz) Major- Core

Year 1
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BioBiz-CoreBS1200Singapore Healthcare System3
Year 2 Semester 1BioBiz-CoreBS2023Regulatory Control of Healthcare Products and Medical Devices3
Year 2
Semester 2
Year 3
Semester 1
BioBiz-CoreBS3201Intellectual Property Rights Related to BioBusiness5
Year 3 Term BreakBioBiz-CoreBS3200BioBusiness Immersion (10 weeks)5
Year 4 Semester 1
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
BioBiz-CoreBS4201Innovation Challenges in BioBusiness4
BioBiz-CoreBS4207Bio Markets4
BioBiz-CoreBS4203Finance and Accounting in BioBusiness4
 Year 4 Semester 2BioBiz-CoreBS4200Experiencing Copenhagen Business School1
BioBiz-CoreBS4206Overviews of Medical Device Requirements and Regulations3

BS4206 will replace BS4205 from AY24 semester 2 and onwards.

Biological Sciences (BMS) + BioBusiness (BioBiz)

Year 4
Semester 2
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
CoreBS4022BioBusiness Final Year Project12

ICC Core courses

Year 1
Semester 1
TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
CCCC0001Inquiry and Communication in an Interdisciplinary World2
CCCC0003Ethics & Moral Reasoning in a Multi-Cultural World2
CCCC0005Healthy Living & Well-being 3
Year 1 Semester 2CC
CC0002Navigating the Digital World
Year 2
Semester 1
FCBS0004Introduction to Data Science3
CCML0004Career & Entrepreneurial Development for the Future World2
CCCC0007Science & Technology for Humanity3
Year 2
Semester 2
CCCC0006Sustainability: Human, Social, Economic & Environment3
FCHW0218Communication Across the Sciences2
Year 3 Semester 2FCBS4227Professional Internship10

Table A - BioMed Major Prescribed Electives

Course code Course Title AUs Semester
BS2002Microbiology3 Sem 1
BS2024Evolution in Health and Disease3 Sem 1
BS2011^Equations of Life3 Sem 1 & Sem 2
BS3001Neurobiology3 Sem 2
BS3014Biological Foundations of Behavior (on hold)3 Sem 2
BS3018Plant Biology3 Sem 1
BS3021Bioimaging Techniques in EM3 Sem 1
BS3027Light and Biomolecule Behavior in Health and Disease3 Sem 1
BS3037Virology3 Sem 1
BS3331Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Applied Immunology Sem 1
​BS3338​Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Effect of Anti-mitotic Drugs on Cancer Cells3 Sem 1
​BS3340​Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series I) – Science of aging and life extension in C. elegans3 Sem 2
​BS3342​Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – Role of Actin cytoskeleton regulators in metastasis3 Sem 1
BS3350Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) – The Toolbox of modern genome editing (on hold)3 Sem 1
BS3352Undergraduate Advanced Experimental Biology (UAEB) Workshop (Series II) –An Experimentalist’s Guide to Genomic Data3 Sem 1
BS4002Current topics in cell biology3 Sem 1
BS4010Synthetic Biology3 Sem 1
BS4014Molecular Basis of Disease3 Sem 1
BS4017High-Throughput Bioinformatics​3 Sem 1


Basics of TCM3 Sem 1
Research Experience3 Sem 1

^^ BS1101 is considered as ONE Major PE.

“BS2011 Equations of Life” has final examination during term break. The entire course duration is from teaching week 1- week 7. Please check the NTU Learn course site for more information.

Table B - BioBiz Major Prescribed Electives

Course code Course Title AUs Semester
BG4215Biomedical Nanotechnology3 Sem 1
CH4306​​​Bioanalytical Techniques3 Sem 1
BS3202Commercialization of Molecular and Cell Biology Techniques3 Sem 1
BS3203Reshaping Healthcare with Engineering and Digital Revolution (On hold until AY24/25 SEM 2)3Sem 2
PS5888Making and Tinkering4 Special Term I & II

Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE)

No restriction in study year/ semester TypeCourse CodeCourse TitleAU
BDEAnyStudents can take BDE offered by any school in NTU. Students have the flexibility to plan the study load of BDE as long as you are able to fulfil the total AU requirements within the candidature period.   12

NTU reserves all rights to make changes to the programme structure with prior notice.​​​​​​​​​     

Click  here to view outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) course information.