Global Education and Mobility (GEM) programmes

Undergraduate students in the College of Science are offered the opportunity to learn, work and do research at some of the best international partner universities and organisations in Asia, Europe and North America. These help them develop global perspectives besides broadening their learning experience.

The Global Education and Mobility (GEM) programmes offer various outbound mobility opportunities that include the GEM Discoverer, GEM Explorer and the Overseas Attachment Programme. One of the strengths of these global programmes is the flexibility it allows – from deciding on the length of the term of study, to the type of programme chosen.

GEM Explorer enables undergraduate students to take courses and do research in an overseas partner institution for one full-semester while exploring a new country and culture. They can earn academic units while broadening their global network and perspective. This programme allows students to go for exchange to over 295 universities in 37 countries all over the world. It gives them the global exposure needed to be the leaders of tomorrow.


Embarking on a 2-week GEM Discoverer experience to Hanoi was definitely the highlight of my NTU life. We were overwhelmed by the Vietnamese culture and how welcoming our hosts from Hanoi School of Business were. Memories were made; bonds were forged; an unforgettable experience.

Siti Aisyah Binte Sazali, Year 3 Mathematical Sciences, Meridian Junior College Alumni

GEM Discoverer offers four high quality learning programmes to enhance your employability and global exposure. You can choose from Work & Study (in collaboration with NTU Career & Attachment Office), Language Immersion, Summer Studies and Prelude. Student will earn academic units at the end of the programme.

The semester in Korea had been a breathtaking experience for me, from skiing in winter to appreciating the alluring cherry blossoms in spring and sunny beaches in summer! But most importantly, my main takeaways from GEM Explorer were the friendships forged and the chance to experience and learn from a different living and studying culture.

Zeng Hui, Year 4 Biological Sciences, Singapore Polytechnic Alumni

The Overseas Attachment Programme is a unique learning experience for students to experience life outside Singapore. Based on a strong partnership between NTU and the industry, the programme allows students to widen their perspective of the working world, enhance their employability and career mobility worldwide upon graduation.