Lotus On Water

Starting from Year 2013, Chinese Division offered “Lotus On Water Gold Medal” and “Lotus On Water Book Prize” to outstanding FYPs each academic year.

Donated in Year 2012 by Lotus On Water that found by sixth-generation Fengshui Master Yunlongzi云龙子大师, one gold medal cum book prize and three book prizes will be given to four students with excellent final year projects in four specializations. The awards are only eligible to Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents pursuing an undergraduate education in Chinese studies at Nanyang Technological University.

One gold medal cum book prize is awarded to a student with most outstanding FYP in any of the following four specializations, and three book prizes for students with outstanding FYPs in each of the other three specializations:

(A) Literary and Cultural Studies

(B) Linguistics and Chinese Linguistics

(C) Studies of Singapore and Malaysia

(D) Chinese History and China Studies​​​​​​​​