You Jin Creative Writing Endowment


The accomplished author and NTU Singapore alumna Madam Tham Yew Chin – better known by her pen name You Jin – and her husband Mr James Jit Teng Lim made a gift to the Department of Chinese, School of Humanities, NTU for the purpose of nurturing Chinese talents and encouraging students’ creative writing in Chinese. You Jin Creative Writing Endowment will provide funding to the School of Humanities to support the creative writing publication;


Annual distributable income from this endowment will be set aside and used by the School of Humanities to support the creation and operation of a faculty and student led creative writing publication that will produce biennial anthology of creative works. Content includes, but not limited to, creative writing submissions of student, faculty, staff and alumni, written exclusively in Chinese. The distributable income will be administered by Head of the Chinese Department on behalf of the School of Humanities in collaboration with a faculty-student editorial group to support the publication of these works. Distributable income not utilized in a year may be rolled over for use in the following year(s).