
NTU Alumni Association (Beijing) was formed in 2007. The committee members are dedicated to serving all members working in various fields and industries in Beijing. NTUAA (Beijing) links NTU alumni with their alma mater, and aims to “build friendship, share resources and encourage cooperation in order to create a win-win relationship.” It welcomes NTU alumni from various cohorts to join and participate in its activities.

南大北京校友会成立于2007年。校友会的理事会成员为所有分布在北京市各行业领域的南大校友们竭诚服务。南大北京校友会作为联络母校与毕业校友们的纽带,积极组织校友活动,以 “畅叙友情、资源共享、合作共赢” 为宗旨,真诚欢迎各届校友加入和参与。​
NTUAA (Beijing)
NTU Alumni Association (Beijing)
Dr Sun Xia 孙侠​​博士
Tel: (86)13701160315
[email protected]

Number of alumni in Beijing 在北京的校友人数: 3252