
​Founded in 2006, NTU Alumni Association (Shanghai) was the first NTU alumni chapter formed in China. The AA has members who are working in local government departments, financial and investment institutions, law firms, and in fields such as technology, manufacturing, education and culture. They have made great contributions to the development of Shanghai in the past years.

The successive Presidents and Committee Members of the AA, in upholding  the principle of serving fellow alumni well and giving back to their alma mater, have organised various alumni events and developed the AA into a valuable networking platform for NTU alumni.

The AA has a badminton team, dance group, reading club, and many others, and has also set up websites for respective activities, as well as a WeChat group. Every year, the AA organises a large-scale annual gathering for NTU alumni. With the growing number of NTU alumni in Shanghai, the AA will further strengthen the ties and friendship among fellow alumni.



校友会中设有羽毛球队、舞蹈队、读书会、淑媛会、财富汇等俱乐部,同时建立了相应活动的信息交流网站和微信公众平台。每年,上海校友会都如期举办大型年会,邀请社会各界的南大校友相聚一堂,重温在南大求学时的美好时光。 随着校友队伍不断壮大,上海校友会将更加完善自身的建设,进一步加强校友间的联系,促进校友之间的感情,让更多的南洋学子感受到与母校终身的连接!

NTUAA (Shanghai)
NTU Alumni Association (Shanghai) 
Mr Shen Genlin 沈根林会长
Tel: (86)13681633333
[email protected]

Numbe​​r of alumni in Shanghai 在上海的校友人数: 2714