
Officially launched on 19 June 2011, NTU Alumni Association (Jiangxi) consists of alumni members working in local government departments, banking and financial sectors, universities and colleges, private enterprises, and more. Since its founding, the AA has organised various alumni events to develop and strengthen links with other alumni groups in China. It serves as a platform for NTU alumni to exchange ideas and experiences.

新加坡南洋理工大学江西校友会成立于2011年6月19日,校友们来自江西各行业的精英,包括政府机关、银行金融系统、企事业单位、大专院校、民营企业等。江西校友会自成立以来,积极参与和组织南大校友会的校友活动,并与各个校友会保持紧密的联系。 江西校友会是一个校友交流和学习、互助、联谊的平台,并期待与各地校友们互相交流指导。

NTUAA (Jiangxi)
NTU Alumni Association (Jiangxi) 
Mr Xiong Junhong 熊俊宏会长
Tel: (86)13007247777
[email protected]

Number of alumni in Jiangxi 在江西的校友人数: 1591