
NTU Alumni Association (Shaanxi) aims to “serve fellow alumni, build a bridge, integrate our strength and contribute to society” and unify NTU alumni in Shaanxi. The AA has achieved good results in expanding its influence by organising regular alumni activities and social welfare events.

The AA holds annual committee meeting and an alumni event quarterly. Some events organised include plenary sessions with the committee members, charity events during Lunar New Year and a fundraising event in a school, and social events such as Lunar New Year Celebration Evening, Travel to Mount Tai Bai, Spring Outing to Rose-finch National Forest Park, and Journey of Discovery (Exploration) to Tibet, and more.

The AA has utilised information technology well. A WeChat group was set up to strengthen the ties among NTU alumni in Shaanxi. This also further strengthens the links of Shaanxi alumni with NTU and AAs in other provinces, and helps connect them with fellow NTU alumni around the world.


  • 建强理事会。目前,理事会设有会长、副会长,秘书长、副秘书长 ,财政、副财政,涵盖了企业、银行、教育、行政等多个领域。其中,几位会长和秘书长凡事率先垂范,多多出力;各位理事积极参加各项活动,热心公益事业;有了理事会的带动,陕西校友会的工作蒸蒸日上。
  • 组织好集体活动。考虑到各位校友所处行业的工作岗位的差异,陕西校友会以“一年一大会,季季有活动”的思路,结合各位校友的职业属性和优势领域,研究制定了全年工作计划。目前已经举办过十几次次活动,包括理事会全体会议,公益活动:“春节送爱心,温暖回家路”公益活动、山区小学助学公益活动;联谊活动:迎新春晚会、太白山联谊活动、朱雀国家森林公园踏青活动、西藏探索之旅;校友理财讲座活动等。 
  • 利用好信息平台。为强化校友联络,陕西校友会建立了理事会、校友会微信群,通过信息平台发布通知、研讨工作、交流看法。校友们发言积极,及时关注母校发展、上传活动信息、分享活动图片、交流时政观点,线上和线下活动有机地结合在一起。与此同时,及时向南大校刊报送校友活动的重要信息,与全球校友分享陕西校友会的活动剪影。
NTUAA (Shaanxi)
NTU Alumni Association (Shaanxi) 
Ms Qiang Linmei 强林梅会长
Tel: (86​​) 13909238558
[email protected]

Number of alumni in Shaanxi 在陕西的校友人数: 911