
In 1995, Hebei sent its first batch of government officials to NTU as trainees in NTU’s Mayors’ Class programme. Today, nearly a thousand trainees have returned after completing the programme and are actively contributing to the province’s political, economic, financial, educational, scientific sectors and more.

NTU Alumni Association (Hebei) was officially launched on 26 June 2010. By carrying forward NTU’s excellent tradition in education, NTUAA (Hebei) has built a networking platform to enhance friendships and promote career development, enabling NTU alumni in Hebei Province to support the province of Hebei economically.


NTUAA (Hebei)
NTU Alumni Association (Hebei) 
Mr Li Xiang 李响会长
Mobile: (86)13784344444
[email protected]

Number of alumni in Hebei 在河北的校友人数: 1188