
Officially launched in November 2008, NTU Alumni Association (Chongqing) comprises NTU alumni from MME, MPA, MBA, PGDELT and more. The AA considers academic research, alumni fellowship, mutual development and social welfare as its purposes in its work, so that its members can make positive contributions to the social and economic developments of Chongqing city with their joint efforts.

Many of them are working in the political, educational, business, financial and academic sectors. Its members have also worked hard towards the implementation of pilot projects such as the “China (Chongqing) – Singapore Strategic Interconnection and Interaction Model Projects” in Chongqing city as well as other specific projects of cooperation (between Chongqing and Singapore).


校友们遍布重庆各行各业,大量校友在政界、教育界、商界、金融界、学术界担当着引领者的重任;此外,校友们也为促成 “中新(重庆)战略性互联互通示范项目” 落地重庆和具体合作不懈努力。
NTUAA (Chongqing)
NTU Alumni Association (Chongqing)
Mr Li Yaming 李亚明先生 (Secretary-General 秘书长)
[email protected]

Number of alumni in Chongqing 在重庆的校友人数: 1260