Cai Yiyu

Assoc Prof Cai Yiyu
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Cluster Director
Multi-Energy Systems & Grids
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
Phone: (+65) 6790 5941
Office: N3.2-02-32
Assoc Prof Cai Yiyu did his PhD training in Engineering, MSc training in Computer Graphics & Computer-aided Geometry Design, and BSc training in Math. He is currently a tenured faculty with the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering in NTU and holds a joint appointment with NTU's Institute for Media Innovation. Prior to that, he was a R&D specialist with the Kent Ridge Digital Labs, a senior software engineer with the Center for Information-enahnced Medicine (CIeMed) - a joint venture between John Hopkins Medical School and the Institute of System Sciences, and a lecturer with Zhejiang University.
He has been doing interdisciplinary research related to Interactive Digital Media (IDM). His research interest includes 3D based design, simulation, serious games, virtual reality, etc. He is also active in IDM application research for Engineering, Bio & Medical Sciences, Education, Arts, etc. His research has been supported by various public funding agencies and priviate companies such as National Science and Technology Board, Ministry of Education, Agency of Science, Technology and Research, Ministry of Information, Communication, and The Arts.
Together with his students or collaborators, he has edited 3 books and 4 journal special issues, and published over 160 papers in peer-reviewed international journals or international conferences. He has also invented or co-invented 6 patents (granted or pending approval). Part of his research was or is being exhibited in Singapore Art Museum, Singapore Science Center, Chinese National Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower, etc. He has served as external examiners for a few funding agencies locally or overseas. He is also external examiners of Ph D/MEng dissertations for 4 universities. He was keynote speakers or invited speakers for numerous conferences, symposia and workshops. He is associate editor with the Journal Simulation and Gaming, and sits in editor boards of 2 international journals. He was co-president of the International Simulation and Gaming Association.
Research Interests
His interest in Interactive & Digital Media (IDM) mainly includes Tactile/Haptic VR System Design, GPU-accelerated Digital Media Processing, Serious Games and Simulation, and Computer-aided Design.
He has been doing research in the intersection of IDM, and Bio & Medical Sciences covering from Computer-assisted Surgery to Volumetric Cellular Image Processing to Phase I/II Drug Clinical Trial Design to Protein Docking. In MedTech field, he pioneered the research and development on Cardiovascular and Intracardiac Interventional Simulation for pre-treatment planning and training application.
He is also active in industry-oriented research working closely with Engineering and Education sectors.