Su Pei-Chen

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cluster Director
Multi-Energy Systems & Grids
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +65 6790 5586
Office: N3.2-02-10
Dr. Su’s research interests are in applying microsystem technologies, nanoscale thin film materials engineering, and nano-patterning technologies at the interface of energy conversion devices, specifically fuel cells. She pioneered in development of high power density nano thin film oxide fuel cells at low operating temperature and keeps leading cell performance in the literature. Her research interests include low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, micro/nano fabrication, nanoionics, and thin film energy materials. Her research group focuses on developing new electrode and electrolyte materials and nano-engineering of cell components via thin film deposition technologies, design and fabrication of scalable micro-SOFCs, and study of reaction kinetics between cathode and nano thin film electrolyte interface, all together with an ultimate goal of commercializing a practical device for SOFCs below 500°C.