Leonard Ng

Asst Prof Leonard Ng Wei Tat
School of Materials Science & Engineering

Cluster Director
Renewables' & Low-carbon Generation: Solar 
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)

Email[email protected]

Assistant Professor Leonard Ng Wei Tat is a faculty member at the School of Materials Science & Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). His research focuses on advancing flexible electronics, with a particular emphasis on data-driven techniques for roll-to-roll printed photovoltaics. Assistant Professor Ng's work encompasses additive manufacturing, printing processes, and polymer composites for sustainable applications, leveraging machine learning-enabled inverse design to improve high-throughput manufacturing. A key area of his current interest is the development of self-driving labs to accelerate device fabrication and optimization, combining automation, artificial intelligence, and materials science to revolutionize electronic device creation and refinement.

Assistant Professor Ng completed his PhD in Engineering at the University of Cambridge in 2019, where he studied low-cost and high-throughput printed electronics using Graphene and other 2D materials. Following this, he spent two years as an NTU International Postdoctoral Scholar at the Commonwealth Scientific International Research Organisation (CSIRO), expanding his knowledge in advanced materials and manufacturing processes. As a Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow, Assistant Professor Ng worked on developing commercial applications in the renewable energy sector in the United Kingdom and Europe, based on his patents. His approach combines elements of materials science, engineering, and data analytics, contributing to both academic research and industrial applications in the field.