Charles Yang Chun

Prof Charles Yang Chun

School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Associate Chair (Faculty), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering​

Cluster Director
Multi Energy Systems & Grids
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)

Phone: +65 6316 8979
Office: N3-02A-06

Dr. Charles Yang Chun is currently a Professor in the School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. He has been with Nanyang Technological University since 1999. He obtained his B.Sc. degree from the Department of Thermal Engineering of Tsinghua University, his M.Sc. degree in Thermophysics from University of Science and Technology of China, and his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Alberta. He is the author and coauthor of more than 240 publications in referred international journals and conference proceedings. He has co-authored one text book entitled “Elementary Electrokinetic Flow”, and 8 book chapters. He also has four US patents in his name. He serves as a member of editorial advisory board for two international journals. He is a peer reviewer for more than 30 international journals and an external reviewer for the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong, Research Grant Council of Australia, and Dutch Technology Foundation.​