Lyu Chen

Asst Prof Lyu Chen
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Cluster Director
Future Mobility Solutions
Energy Research Institute @ NTU (ERI@N)

Phone: +65 6790 4810
Office: N3.2-02-21

Dr. LYU Chen (often spelled as Lv Chen) is a Nanyang Assistant Professor of School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with joint appointment in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He is the Director of Automated Driving and Human-Machine System (AutoMan) Research Group, and the Cluster Director in Autonomous Driving and intelligent Electrified Vehicles in ERI@N. He received the Ph.D. degree from Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, China in 2016. He was a joint PhD researcher at EECS Dept., University of California, Berkeley, USA during 2014-2015, and a Research Fellow at Advanced Vehicle Engineering Center, Cranfield University, UK during 2016-2018. His research focuses on advanced vehicle control and intelligence, where he has contributed 1 book, 2 book chapters, over 80 papers and obtained 12 granted patents.

Dr. Lv serves as a Guest Editor for IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Applied Energy and International Journal of Powertrains, and an Academic Editor for PLOS ONE, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Innovation, International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, and International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing. He received the Highly Commended Paper Award of IMechE UK in 2012, the NSK Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Paper Award in 2014, the China SAE Outstanding Paper Award in 2015, the 1st Class Award of China Automotive Industry Scientific and Technological Invention in 2015, the Tsinghua University Graduate Student Academic Rising Star Nomination Award in 2015, the Tsinghua University Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in 2016, the Seal of Excellence of EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in 2017, the Young Elite Scientist of China Association for Science and Technology in 2017, the Best Workshop/Special Session Paper Award of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium in 2018, and CSAE Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2018.​

Research Interests

  • Automated Driving
  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Intelligent Electric Vehicles
  • Driver-Automation Collaboration
  • Vehicle Dynamics and Control
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Current Projects
  • Cyber-Physical System Based Design Optimisation of Intelligent Electric Vehicles (CPS-iEV)
  • Development of an Electric Propulsion Unit with a Hybrid Engine System and Rim-Driven Fan System for an Aerial Flight System​