Editor's Corner: Staying healthy together

By Anne Loh, Assistant Director, Communications and Outreach 

The topic that currently has Singapore (and most of the world) on tenterhooks and LKCMedicine in a grip of suspense is the WHO-renamed COVID-19 outbreak. In the main story of this issue, we speak to the infectious disease experts on the LKCMedicine faculty and see the daily fight against the virus through the eyes of two LKCMedicine alumni – Dr Julia Ng and Dr Claudia Tong. We also highlight the measures taken by other members of the LKCMedicine alumni who have stepped forward to ameliorate the situation for their juniors, especially the senior students, who have had clinical postings suspended since DORSCON was raised to Orange on 7 February. Other measures taken to ensure the staff and faculty of the School stay virus-free have also been put in place.

The newest member of faculty that has found her place within the LKCMedicine family is Director of MERSU and Professor of Medical Education Research Jennifer Cleland, who brings a wealth of experience of working with the UK system as well as large data-based studies into medical student training and career choices. We sit down with her to find out more about her keynote appearance at Transform MedEd 2020, her research passion and her plans for her Unit.

Don't miss the latest news and happenings as well.

Happy reading! 

Editorial Team

Professor James Best, Dean

Siti Rohanah Koid

Anne Loh

Contributors & Writers

Amanda Lee
Foo Tze Siang, Adrian
Nicole Natalie Lim
Penny Kharroubi
Roxy Hughes
Sini Matthew

Editorial Board

Professor Michael Ferenczi
Dr Vivien Chiong
Professor Philip Ingham
Mr Andrew Scheuber
Ms Suzanne Lim
A/Prof Tham Kum Ying