Yellow And Pink Seats 5 Young Student Teachers Gathered Together (720x432px)

Advanced Diploma in Malay Language Education

Programme Type


Advanced Diploma in Malay Language Education seeks to enhance knowledge in Malay language and literature, which will help educators to communicate more effectively with students. 

Participants will also acquire greater knowledge and practical skills in setting papers, marking and correcting pupils’ compositions. Participants will be equipped with practical communicative skills to relate better to pupils, colleagues and parents. Participants will also keep abreast of the latest developments of Malay pedagogy in the Malay world or South East Asia and learn to be more resourceful as Malay language teachers and understand and appreciate Malay literature, culture and history.

This programme will allow you to:

  • Enhance your knowledge of Malay language and literature, and will thus be more confident in teaching Malay language, especially Higher Malay.
  • Acquire more knowledge and practical skills in setting papers, marking and correcting pupils' compositions.
  • Be equipped with practical communicative skills, so that you can relate better to pupils, colleagues and parents.
  • Keep abreast of the latest developments of Malay pedagogy in the Malay world or South East Asia.
  • Be more resourceful as Malay language teachers.
  • Understand and appreciate Malay Literature & Culture and history.

Admission Requirements

This programme caters to all qualified Malay Language teachers.

For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail:

Programme Structure & Duration

You are required to complete at least 20 Academic Units (AUs) (an equivalent of 240 hours) comprising of:

  • 7 core courses (Total of 14 AUs), and
  • At least 6 AUs from the list of elective courses

Course Code Title No. of AUs
core courses
IAL4031 Literature-Based Language Learning 2
IAL4032 Critical Literacy in the Teaching of Malay Language
IAL4033 Teaching of Malay Grammar
IAL4034 Ethics & Decorum in the Use of Malay Language 2
IAL4035 Short History of Malay Archipelago 2
IAL4036 Introduction to Malay Thought  2
IAL4037 Testing and Assessments for Deep Learning for Malay Language  2
Elective Courses (Choose at least 6 AUs)
IAL4038 Malay Performing Arts for Primary & Secondary
IAL4039 Teaching of Malay Culture in Primary School 2
IAL4040 Teaching of Malay Culture in Secondary School 2
IAL4041 Teaching of Malay Proverbs and Idioms 2
IAL4042 Drama in Malay Language Classroom Teaching 2
IAL4043 Infusion of Malay Arts in Malay Language Teaching 2
IAL4044 Appreciation of Malay Aesthetics 2
IAL4045 Integrated Approach in Teaching Lower Primary Malay 2
IAL4046 Whole Language Approach in Teaching of Malay 2
IAL4047 Differentiated Teaching in Malay Language Classroom (Primary) 2
IAL4048 Differentiated Teaching in Malay Language Classroom (Secondary) 2
IAL4049 Applying Multiple Intelligence in the Teaching & learning of Malay Language (Primary) 2
IAL4050 Applying Multiple Intelligence in the Teaching & Learning of Malay Language (Secondary) 2
IAL4051 Task-based Language Teaching in the Secondary Malay Language Classroom 2


IAL4031 - Literature-Based Language Learning

This course focuses on the use of literary texts to enhance the teaching of Malay language. Aspects of expressions, stylistics, themes and metaphors are identified for generating language styles and learning. Various genres of literature are used, both modern and classical ones.

IAL4032 - Critical Literacy in the Teaching of Malay Language

This course offers the various perspectives of critical literacy for its incorporation in teaching of Malay language. Aspects of problem-posing, dialogic engagement, text-contextual empathy, democratic empowerment for students and the pedagogy of questions will be raised. The basic of critical literacy is to enhance creativity, criticality, and a sense of social civic-ness through the teaching of mother tongue.

IAL4033 - Teaching of Malay Grammar

This course focuses on the element and function on morphology. Word form and word group and syantaxes; phrases, clauses and sentences. Teachers will be taught on application of Malay in the teaching of Malay language skills.

IAL4034 - Ethics & Decorum in the Use of Malay Language

This course highlights the importance and significance of ethics and decorum in human communication, be it verbal and oral form. Language norms and styles are important constituents in language use. Cultural expectations/norms and taboos are discussed in relation to language meanings and expressions.

IAL4035 - Short History of Malay Archipelago

This course provides a survey and critical analysis of the history of the people and cultures of Malay Archipelago, or maritime Southeast Asia, in which Malay language is the lingua franca. The focus given is the diversities and uniqueness of various ethnic and dialect groups, noting their adaptation to changes in historical development, of their resilience and struggle for independence and progress.

IAL4036 - Introduction to Malay Thought

This course highlights the various strands of Malay thought that have evolved throughout centuries, as much as it had been advocated by various groups in Malay society. In the analysis of Malay thought, the thinking of various Malay personalities, past and present will be noted, emphasizing the differences in the ideals and visions about Malay society and humanity.

IAL4037 - Testing and Assessments for Deep Learning for Malay Language

This course provides teachers with skills beyond the basics of crafting test papers and marking schemes. While methods of marking composition, comprehension as well as reading and oral presentation will be revisited and refined, more emphasis will be given on skills and methods in designing assessment tasks with authentic intellectual quality at all academic levels.

IAL4038 - Malay Performing Arts for Primary & Secondary

This course emphasises the practical aspects of Malay performing arts, with the aim to give exposure to the various genres of performing arts, the techniques of performance and the significance and meaning of the performance to Malay audience. Amongst Malay performing arts highlighted are forms of Malay traditional dances, traditional martial arts and traditional Malay theatre.

IAL4039 - Teaching of Malay Culture in Primary School

Aspects of Malay culture, particularly its customary practices, values and aesthetics will be emphasised. Interpretations of cultural practices and norms are highlighted, focusing on its significance for present day needs. An exposure to some hands on practices will be made. This also includes highlighting programmes on cultural tours for schoolchildren and how the teachers should plan such excursion in line with the learning and studying of Malay language.

IAL4040 - Teaching of Malay Culture in Secondary School

Apart from analysing the various customary practices, norms and aesthetics in Malay culture, this course offers a critical appreciation of Malay cultural values, highlighting on the change and continuity in the development of Malay culture. The importance of cultural preservation and renewal will also be discussed.

IAL4041 - Teaching of Malay Proverbs and Idioms

The philosophical and valuational aspects of traditional Malay proverbs and idioms will be analysed. Linking the proverbs with its contextual needs will be emphasised. The focus is the appreciation of such proverbs and how students could articulate such expressions in writing and in their daily activities.

IAL4042 - Drama in Malay Language Classroom Teaching

This course attempts to incorporate drama activities into the teaching of Malay, with an emphasis on the expressive aspects of the language. The use of drama in class will nurture spontaneity as well as confidence. Acting out situations means the use of language in its creative and expressive ways.

IAL4043 - Infusion of Malay Arts in Malay Language Teaching

This course aims to go beyond a textual based learning of language. The infusion of Malay arts into Malay language teaching emphasises on the artistic and creative dimension of Malay culture. Aspects of Malay arts are presented and used as text for students to engage, express, and appreciate.

IAL4044 - Appreciation of Malay Aesthetics

This course covers the theoretical aspects in the discussion of Malay aesthetics that are expressed in various genres, be it in literature, artifacts, architecture, paintings, fabrics, dances and music. A particular emphasis on evaluating the social meaning of Malay aesthetics will be made.

IAL4045 - Integrated Approach in Teaching Lower Primary Malay

This course will re-emphasise the notion of integrating approaches in the teaching of Malay language at the lower primary level. Approaches in teaching reading and writing as well as spoken skills will be highlighted. Hands-on activities on how these approaches can be conducted in the classroom will be carried out. At the end of the course, teachers will be equipped with a buffet of teaching approaches which can be integrated and applied in making their classroom livelier and much more effective.

IAL4046 - Whole Language Approach in Teaching of Malay

This course offers insights into the concepts of whole language approach in teaching languages, whereby emphasis will be on teaching of comprehension skills, writings skills, and listening skills. Thus course will focus on lower primary teaching of Malay language.

IAL4047 - Differentiated Teaching in Malay Language Classroom (Primary)

In this course, teachers will be introduced to the concept of differentiated instruction and theories relating to it. Teachers will then be taught on the need to understand the different learning needs and abilities of their students. Teachers will be introduced to effective differentiated instructional strategies and be able to develop effective resources and strategies for differentiated teaching in the primary Malay language classroom.

IAL4048 - Differentiated Teaching in Malay Language Classroom (Secondary)

In this course, teachers will be introduced to the concept of differentiated instruction and theories relating to it. Teachers will then be taught on the need to understand the different learning needs and abilities of their students. Teachers will be introduced to effective differentiated instructional strategies and be able to develop effective resources and strategies for differentiated teaching in the secondary Malay language classroom.

IAL4049 - Applying Multiple Intelligence in the Teaching & Learning of ML (Primary)

In this course, teachers will be re-introduced to the Multiple Intelligences Theory and understand the eight types of intelligences. Teachers will then be taught on the importance of MIT in the teaching and learning of Malay language at the primary level. Teachers will be shown how to plan a Malay language lesson based on MIT and create resources and activities based on MIT.

IAL4050 - Applying Multiple Intelligence in the Teaching & Learning of ML (Secondary)

In this course, teachers will be re-introduced to the Multiple Intelligences Theory and understand the eight types of intelligences. Teachers will then be taught on the importance of MIT in the teaching and learning of Malay language at the secondary level. Teachers will be shown how to plan a Malay language lesson based on MIT and create resources and activities based on MIT.

IAL4051 - Task-based Language Teaching in the Secondary Malay Language Classroom

Teachers will be introduced to the concept of task-based language teaching. Introduction to differences of tasks and pedagogical tasks and how these relate to task-based language teaching. Teachers will be taught how to plan Malay language lessons based on task-based language teaching approach and create resources and activities based on TBLT.

Additional Information

Using the Advanced Diploma for entry into NIE’s full-time Bachelor of Arts (Education) / Bachelor of Science (Education) OR part-time Bachelor of Education

Upon successful completion of this programme, you may wish to apply for admission into the NIE/NTU degree programme. Admission is not automatic and all applications would be given due consideration. The admission criteria for returning teachers who are interested in using the Advanced Diploma to help gain admission into the full-time Bachelor of Arts (Education) / Bachelor of Science (Education) OR part-time Bachelor of Education are as follows and may be subjected to further updates from the Office of Teacher Education:

  • Obtained at least overall Pass in Dip Ed/ Dip PE/ Cert Ed and a minimum of 'C' Grade in an Advanced Diploma (obtained prior to the introduction of GPA System) or a minimum of CGPA of 2.50 in an Advanced Diploma (obtained after introduction of GPA System)*


  • Recommendation by Principal

*For admission to Bachelor of Education (Primary) Part-time Programme, in addition to the above criteria, candidates must also meet the following:

  • Be employed by the Ministry of Education;
  • Have at least two years of trained teaching experience; and
  • Have an annual appraisal grade of at least Grade C or better.