Welcome to the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC) at the NIE. Our centre is to be a key institutional mechanism for advancing NIE’s vision of leading the future of education. We complement NIE's existing Education Research with state-of-the-art Science of Learning (SoL) research and modelling techniques in order to advance knowledge on learning and its underlying mechanisms. To this end, we synthesize research investigations and findings across different disciplines, including neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, technology, education, and possibly others. A key Science of Learning in Education agenda for us is to bridge the divides between SoL and Education. This includes bridging experimental research conducted in controlled settings with research that is “in the wild” such as in schools, classrooms, and beyond. Hence, we hope to bring translational gains to lab based research, and vice versa, where complex problems of practice can also be informed by experimental research evidences.

While still a very young research center, our vision is to become an international leader in Science of Learning in Education research. We invite you to be part of our community whether you are a researcher, policy maker, or simply passionate about learning and learners and want to make a difference to your students.

Centre Director, Science of Learning in Education

Prof Hung Wei Loong, David


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