Centre for Arts Research in Education

The NIE Centre for Arts Research in Education (CARE) is a research centre based in the Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group and it generates, collects and disseminates high-quality research which promotes education in and through the arts
through a strong collaborative network between the National Institute of Education, and like-minded individuals and organisations in the Asia-Pacific region. Its vision is to be a centre for excellence in arts research in education in Singapore
and in the region.

Care Core Team
Find out more about the members of the Centre for Arts Research in Education (CARE) core team.
Contact Us
NIE Centre for Arts Research in Education (CARE)
Block 03 03-51A, National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Tel: (65) 67903531
Email: jennifer.wong@nie.edu.sg