Published on 15 Aug 2023

ALC welcomed delegation from the Center for Southeast Asia Studies, South China Normal University

新加坡南洋理工大学国立教育学院亚洲语言文化部中文系于2023年8月1 5日热诚接待了华南师范大学东南亚研究中心的冯冬梅、马莉及黄雪婷老师一行来访,共同开展了学术座谈与经验分享。在此次座谈中,双方深入探讨了新加坡的语言文化研究以及华文教学的现状和前景,促进了双方学术交流和合作的发展。



The Division of Chinese Language in the Asian Languages and Cultures Academic Group of the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, warmly received a delegation from the Center for Southeast Asia Studies, South China Normal University on August 15th, 2023. During this visit, both parties engaged in academic discussion and sharing experience. Through the discussion, in-depth explorations of Chinese language and cultural studies in Singapore, as well as the current status and future prospects of Chinese language education, were undertaken, fostering further exchange and collaboration.

This discussion provides an in-depth platform for academic exchange between the two institutions, laying a solid foundation for mutual learning and communication, as well as inspiring new research directions and collaborative possibilities. This meeting further strengthened the amicable cooperation between the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University and School of Chinese Language Teacher Education for Southeast Asia, South China Normal University. Through this exchange, we gained a deeper understanding of the Chinese language policies in the Greater Chinese region and research on Chinese language education, setting a firm basis for future academic collaboration.

The Division of Chinese Language, ALC, NIE expresses sincere gratitude to the three scholars from Center for Southeast Asia Studies, South China Normal University for their visit. Their valuable insights and in-depth exchanges are highly appreciated. We look forward to future collaborations in the field of Chinese language education research, contributing to the advancement of Chinese education endeavours.