Published on 27 Jul 2022

Associate Professor Lee Ngan Hoe presents a keynote at the ‘International Day of the Mathematics’ conference and presented at Ministry of Education’s ‘Mathematically Speaking’ series

Assoc Prof Dr Lee Ngan Hoe from the Mathematics & Mathematics Education Academic Group (MME), was invited to speak at the International Day of Mathematics conference that was hosted by the Aga Khan University (Pakistan), on 11 March 2022. Titled “Metacognition - A Habit of Mind that connects teaching and learning across the disciplines”, his online keynote address not only discussed what metacognition is, but also described his research’s attempts in addressing metacognition more inter-disciplinarily and objectively. Apart from highlighting his multi-disciplinary, multi-method programmatic research as an example of such an endeavour, his presentation also harmonised with the theme of conference, which celebrates how mathematics unites and connects disciplines, cultures, and communities as a common language.

On 25 January 2022, the research team which includes two teacher participants were invited to showcase the team’s Constructivist Learning Design (CLD) in the Ministry of Education’s (MOE) Mathematically Speaking series, targeting mathematics and mathematics learning. Attended by secondary mathematics teachers, the online presentation introduced the CLD, discussed the research findings behind CLD’s efficacy, presented vignettes of how the CLD was implemented in actual classroom settings, and outlined the support for teachers thinking of implementing the CLD via MOE’s Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST).

The presentation, which aimed to create more awareness of the CLD among the mathematics teaching fraternity and broaden its use in the Singapore mathematics classroom, was led by Miss Gayatri Balakrishnan from the MOE (external Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) of the research team), Assoc Prof Lee Ngan Hoe (PI of the research team), Mr Chew Chong Kiat from AST (external collaborator of the research team), Ms Seet Wen Shan from MOE, and Mr Sultan Karimshah from Gan Eng Seng School.