Dr Jeanne Ho Publishes Paper on Principalship in Singapore
Dr Jeanne Ho
OER Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Jeanne Ho co-authored an article on school principalship and leadership practices in Singapore, which has been published in the International Studies in Educational Administration, a journal owned by the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management.
Titled “Successful Principalship: Beyond Leadership Practice and Teacher Agency”, the article centers on a case study about successful principalship in a Singapore school as part of the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP), which investigates the attributes and practices of successful principals. In the paper, Dr Ho outlines the importance of a school leader’s values, beliefs and identities in influencing leadership practices and explores the potential of student agency to result in school improvement.
The findings published in this journal article arose from an OER project “Successful Principalship of a High Performing Secondary School Undergoing Curriculum Transition”.