Prof Tan Oon Seng speaks at 6th Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030
The 6th Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030 was hosted by Japan 9-13 Oct 2024. Delegates were invited to visit schools and organisations in the different regions of Toda City, Gumma prefecture and Tohoku in the first two days to observe real world cases of education reform in relation to 4 broad themes, namely, teaching compass for (i) education under crisis and creative recovery, (ii) inclusive and innovative education, (iii) social emotional learning, and (iv) use of AI and STEM/STEAM education. The plenary, food-for-thought, and focus group sessions were hosted by Tohoku University. NIE’s Dean of Special Projects, Professor Tan Oon Seng was invited by OECD Education to provide a concept paper on the teaching compass which has 3 pillars of teacher agency, teacher well-being and teacher competencies. Prof Tan was also an invited “Food for Thought Speaker” and shared on re-envisioning the teaching professional beyond the traditional parameters of teacher professional knowledge, practice and ethics to a big picture of ecological policy factors, refreshed perspective of teacher identity and re-imagination of teacher roles and capacity building. Prof Tan also visited innovative companies working with schools in Japan.