Published on 24 Jan 2021

Seminar shares tips to encourage children to be fluent in 2 languages

The seminar's main objective is nurturing bilingualism in young children. It hopes to raise awareness on the importance and benefits of raising bilingual children, the challenges that parents or teachers face in their practice and how the community can come together to support the development of strong foundation in young children.

Associate Professor Roksana Bibi Abdullah is one of the speaker for the first webinar that will take place on 7th February 2021 via Zoom. 

USAHA menggalakkan penggunaan dwibahasa di kalangan anak-anak kecil hari ini mungkin suatu yang bertambah sukar.

Apakan tidak, ramai kanak-kanak hari ini lebih terdedah kepada penggunaan bahasa Inggeris semasa di sekolah, ketika menonton televisyen, ketika menggunakan alat teknologi untuk bermain. permainan, malah di rumah, ketika berinteraksi dengan ibu bapa.

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