Published on 18 Oct 2024

Understanding Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) to Better Support Your Child

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a common childhood condition that you probably have not yet heard about. Recent research from the UK and China estimates that DLD affects 7-8% of preschool children, which can place them at-risk for poorer academic and socio-emotional development.

DLD is diagnosed around the world and in Singapore, when marked difficulties in the use and understanding of all verbal languages the child speaks are present. These verbal difficulties, such as with spoken words, sentences and stories/narratives, occur in the absence of biomedical conditions – intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder being some examples.

Every year around the world, DLD Day is celebrated to raise awareness for this condition that few have heard about. Buildings in Australia, UK, Europe and America are lit up in yellow and purple, to publicly mark DLD Day. People living with DLD make videos and share their lived experiences online. This year’s DLD Day is celebrated on the 18th of October 2024.

Here in Singapore, local and world experts will gather for the AdvANCE Seminar, titled “Supporting Children with Developmental Language Disorder Across the Lifespan.” Joining world-renowned expert Professor Courtenay Norbury are local speakers Dr Shaun Goh from the National Institute of Education, Dr Sylvia Choo from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and Ms Caroline Lee from Singapore Institute Technology. This free, public seminar aims to raise awareness of DLD in Singapore. To register, please click here

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in Singapore

Individuals with DLD have marked difficulties in all the verbal languages he/she understands and speaks and are therefore unlikely to easily find success in many everyday activities which require language. For example:

  • Academics: Language is used to understand what is being said and to respond to questions, in classrooms.
  • Bilingualism: Language is used to communicate in English and Mother Tongue, at home and in school.
  • Relationships: Language is used to have meaningful conversations with other children and adults, face-to-face or virtually.
  • Mental Health: Language is used by children to say how they feel, think and behave, with trusted peers, parents and professionals.

Although much is known about DLD internationally, less is known about DLD in Singapore. Still, local practitioners have written about DLD in professional practice guidelines for young children and adolescents. A video illustrating what living with DLD in Singapore is like, and an interview of a parent of a child living with DLD in Singapore, are available. Much more information is needed to advance our understanding and better support DLD in Singapore.

Supporting children with Developmental Language Disorder

Imagine that you are on an overseas holiday in a foreign country. You want to enjoy yourself, but maybe you can’t understand what the waiter is saying or can’t tell the taxi driver where to go. If only someone could help you access food and transport services so that can have a great holiday. In the same way, children with DLD can be supported by helping them access home or school materials. For example, you could:

  • Add pictures or gestures
  • Be patient and ready to listen
  • Keep language simple (e.g. short sentences)
  • Give time to respond
  • Talk about new words and their meaning

Professionals can help support DLD children in achieving their goals at home and school, where they spend most of their time. For example:

  • Speech Therapists
  • Medical Doctors / Pediatricians
  • Teachers / Special Education Needs Officers


Language is an amazing tool that is used effortlessly every day at home and school. However, this is not the case for some children who have language difficulties to the point of a disorder, in the absence of a biomedical condition; known as DLD. Parents can seek professional help, while also simplifying material to improve access for individuals with DLD. I look forward to a future where many helping hands come together to maximise the chances of living successfully with DLD. 

If you’d like to learn more about DLD in Singapore, register for the free seminar “Supporting Children with Developmental Language Disorder Across the Lifespan” here.

Date: 18 Oct 2024

Time: 5.30pm – 8.30pm

Address: SIT@Dover, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan Lecture Theatre​. 10 Dover Dr, Singapore 138683

If you’d like to learn more about DLD from international experts, check out written articles such as:

Contributor: Dr Shaun Goh was awarded a PhD (Clinical Psychology) by the Australian National University in 2015 and continues to be a registered psychologist in Singapore. He is an Education Research Scientist under the Office of Education Research, Centre for Research in Child Development at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Looking ahead, he aims to understand how the potential of every child can be maximised, particularly in the areas of language (DLD) and mental health (emotional and behavioural), both around the world and in Singapore.

Read the original article here.