Visit to NIE by Cambridge International Education and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board delegates
On 26 June 2024, the Office of Education Research (OER) welcomed 4 delegates from Cambridge International Education group and 20 delegates from the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) for the Cambridge Consultative Meeting (CCM). CCM is an annual meeting for Singapore and Cambridge to discuss strategic directions and share best practices in education and assessment. This year, Cambridge was represented in person by Mrs Juliet Wilson (Director of Assessment), Mr Dan Bray (Director of Assessment Innovation and Transformation), Dr Hillary Taunton (Advisor) and Mr Russell Wallington (Head of Ministry Partnerships). The focus of the meeting was on nurturing future-ready learners and how rich research findings could better support the learning of our students.
The programme included Assoc Prof Anne Rifkin-Graboi, Deputy Centre Director for the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC) sharing about the research work in Science of Learning in Education Centre while Dr Jack Fogarty, Education Research Scientist (SoLEC) showcased wearables that could trace students’ physiological effects in school setting. The delegates found work from Centre in Assessment and Evaluation to be interesting and were open to collaboration. Dr Wong Hwei Ming, Assistant Centre Director at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP) shared about the findings and implications from CORE’s Research Programme, while Dr Teo Chew Lee, Deputy Centre Director at CRPP explained 21st Century Competencies (21CC) Research & Innovation: Environments and Assessments for 21st Century skills to the group.