Published on 17 Jan 2025

Visit to NIE by Japanese Delegates (RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project)

On 14 January 2025, the National Institute of Education (NIE) welcomed a delegation of Japanese researchers working on science education and gender equity. Established in 2016, the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (RIKEN AIP) is at the forefront of AI research in Japan, focusing on innovative solutions to pressing global challenges.

The visiting delegation comprised Dr Ikuko Tsumura (Research Administrator, RIKEN AIP), Ms Yukiko Yamaguchi (Director, RIKEN Singapore Office), Ms Sachiko Nishioka (Founder & Representative Director, AWESOME Association Inc.), and Ms Kumiko Nakano, Research Administrative Support Staff, RIKEN AIP). The delegation's research focus is on promoting greater female involvement and gender equity in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Their commitment is aligned with the collaborative spirit fostered by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) established in September 2005 between RIKEN and A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore), as well as the MOU signed between RIKEN and NTU in September 2011. These partnerships aim to facilitate significant advancements in scientific research across multiple disciplines, including life sciences and biotechnology.

The visit included a campus tour and lunch at NIE, followed by a visit to the NIE Visitors' Learning Centre, including a tour and presentation by NIE ELL PhD candidate Mr Ow Yeong Wai Kit, featuring insights into NIE and the Singapore education system. Delegates then proceeded to the Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC), where Dr Tan Aik Lim, Dr Eleanor Koo, and Mdm Samyuktha presented about SoLEC, while Mr Kace Wong conducted a tour of the laboratory and demonstration of the one-way mirror set-up in the SoLEC classroom. The delegation also conducted an interview of A/P Teo Tang Wee (whose research includes work on gender studies and STEM education), highlighting issues about gender equity and representation in STEM fields. The visit concluded with a detour to the Lunar New Year carnival at NTU's North Spine Plaza, where the delegation toured the campus and sampled local cuisine, besides engaging in further discussions about research and STEM education.

We look forward to fostering further research exchanges and international collaborations that will contribute to the advancement of STEM education and gender equity.

From left to right: Mr Ow Yeong Wai Kit, Dr Tan Aik Lim, Ms Kumiko Nakano, Dr Ikuko Tsumura, Ms Yukiko Yamaguchi, Dr Eleanor Koo, Mdm Samyuktha, Ms Sachiko Nishioka