Visit to University of Oxford and University College London
University of Oxford
On 12th December 2024, a team of four academics from National Institute of Education (NIE), had the privilege of visiting St John’s College at University of Oxford to meet with colleagues at AI in Education at Oxford University (AIEOU). The NIE team consists of A/P Chua Bee Leng (Chief Learning & Innovations Officer, Director’s Office), A/P Tan Seng Chee (Associate Dean, Professional & Leadership Development, Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning), A/P Chen Wenli (Head, Learning Sciences & Assessment), and Asst/P Edwin Chng (Natural Sciences and Science Education).
This visit was an exceptional opportunity to connect with Dr Sara Ratner (Department of Education), Prof Elizabeth Wonnacott (Department of Education), and Prof Rebecca Williams (Faulty of Law) at AIEOU, whose commitment to interdisciplinary research resonates strongly with NIE’s emphasis on fostering collaborative research to support advancements in AI in Education (AIEd).
In our meetings, we touched on topics ranging from current AIEd applications to teacher professional development in AI, including potential research collaborations and future exchanges. The discussions were vibrant and thought-provoking, offering fresh insights and strengthening ties between our institutions. The NIE team extend our heartfelt gratitude to the hosts at University of Oxford for their warm welcome and engaging conversations.
From left to right: A/P Tan Seng Chee, Dr Sara Ratner, Asst/P Edwin Chng, Prof Elizabeth Wonnacott, Prof Rebecca Williams, A/P Chua Bee Leng, A/P Chen Wenli
From 9th to 13th December 2024, an academic delegation from National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) recently visited Institute of Education (IOE), University College London (UCL) to have discussions on possible research collaborations in the area of AI in Education (AIEd).
The NIE team consists of A/P Chua Bee Leng (Chief Learning & Innovations Officer, Director’s Office), A/P Tan Seng Chee (Associate Dean, Professional & Leadership Development, Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning), A/P Chen Wenli (Head, Learning Sciences & Assessment), and Asst/P Edwin Chng (Natural Sciences and Science Education), and our IOE counterparts include Prof Allison Littlejohn (Pro-Vice-Provost (Data Empowered Societies) and Director of UCL Knowledge Lab), Prof Mutlu Cukurova (Professor of Learning and Artificial Intelligence), Prof Kaska Porayska-Pomsta (Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Education), Prof Manolis Mavrikis (Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics in Education), A/P Jasper Green (Head of Initial Teacher Education), Prof Eirini Geraniou (Professor of Mathematics Education), Prof Norbert Pachler (UCL Lead for Degree Apprenticeships), Prof Alison Clark-Wilson (Professorial Research Fellow), Prof Carey Jewitt (Professor of Learning and Technology), and Prof Wayne Holmes (Professor of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education).
As Singapore’s national teacher education institute, NIE is committed to advancing education through innovative research. The visit to IOE, a global leader in education and research, provided a fantastic platform to exchange ideas and identify synergies for AIEd research between the two institutions.
The discussions were both enriching and inspiring, spanning areas such as educational technology, teacher AI literacy, design and evaluation of AIEd tools, and evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning. These conversations highlighted the shared commitment of NIE and IOE to drive meaningful change in education through research and collaboration.
The NIE team would like to thank our IOE colleagues for their warm hospitality and engaging discussions. We are excited about potential collaborations ahead and look forward to strengthening ties between NIE and IOE.
From left to right: A/P Tan Seng Chee, Prof Mutlu Cukurova, Prof Allison Littlejohn, A/P Chua Bee Leng, Prof Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, A/P Chen Wenli, Asst/P Edwin Chng