Advanced Diploma in Special Education

Programme Type


NIE PD Courses

Advanced Diploma in Special Education focuses on enhancing the capacities, skills and practices of the Special Educational Needs Officers and Special School Teachers using a “reflective-practitioner” and “learning based” approach to develop appropriate classroom-based and school-level supports for pupils with special needs in mainstream or special schools. 

The programme aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To deepen their knowledge and understanding of evidence-based practices accessed through relevant bodies of research literature in order to more effectively address teaching and learning concerns;
  2. To apply new knowledge of research-based practices through their implementation and evaluation to identified teaching and learning concerns;
  3. To enhance their understanding of school-wide and collaborative practices that can influence and affect teaching and learning (e.g., school-wide supports for behaviour management);
  4. To increase their capabilities as reflective and evidence-based practitioners in addressing teaching and learning concerns built upon the integration and consolidation of the previous three learning objectives.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for entry into the programme, applicants will need to hold either of the following qualifications:

  1. Diploma in Special Education
  2. Specialist Diploma in Special Education (SDSE) (Primary)
  3. Specialist Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education (SPDSE) (Primary)
  4. Foreign bachelor degree in special education that are recognised by MOE

Teachers with the qualifications in 2, 3 and 4 above, must also have met the following conditions:

  • have at least 2 years of teaching experience in Special Education;
  • have an annual appraisal grade of at least Grade C or better;
  • have a letter of recommendation from the school principal.

For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail:

Programme Structure & Duration

The Advanced Diploma Programme will be offered over 2 semesters.

Course CodeTitleNo. of AUsPre-Requisite
IEC4022Examining Evidence-Based Practices to Support Learners and Learning4-
IEC4023Practical Behaviour Management4-
IEC4036Enhancing Professional & School Practices4-
IEC4037Technology for Supporting Learning4-
IEC4035Research to Practice Project4IEC4022, IEC4023 & IEC4037

Participants will have to take 5 compulsory courses in all.

Courses can be conducted as face-to-face lectures, or through eLearning. However, e-learning should not exceed a maximum of 30% of the total instructional hours of the whole programme.


IEC4035: Research to Practice Project

This course provides the opportunity for students to apply relevant evidence-based research literature to inform their approach, plan, design, implementation and evaluation of carrying out a research-to-practice application for the purpose of addressing a classroom/school-based concern. Participants will use their knowledge and skills to translate relevant evidence-based research literature to addressing a classroom/school-based concern.

IEC4036: Enhancing Professional & School Practices

This course provides the opportunity for participants to engage in focused conversations with school mentors and leaders as well as structured observations of school-wide practices. School-wide practices include classroom management, instructional planning, remediation and learning support programmes, among other areas of support. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of their schools and their own leadership skills. The course will allow students to understand and enhance their individual and/or school practice through an action plan for improvement.

IEC4022: Examining Evidence-Based Practices to Support Learners and Learning

Participants will be introduced to gathering and reading evidence-based ractices found in primary and secondary sources in this course. Components covered in this course include how to access key databases to identify relevant research-based practices; organizing and summarizing such literature; and distilling practical steps and guidelines on the use of evidence-based practices for both learning and behavior application.

IEC4037: Technology to Support Learning

This course introduces the policies, procedures and practical strategies for implementing technology for learning and support in the classroom. Participants will learn the attitudes, skills, dispositions necessary to implement learning using technology in the mainstream and special school settings. Participants will understand the uses of technologies in assisting all learners in classroom and community settings, as well as help evaluate and establish classroom policies and procedures that facilitate the use of technologies to support learning. Participants will also be made aware of assistive technologies that can be used in the classroom.

IEC4023: Practical Behaviour Management

  • This course introduces practical behavior management in the classroom.
  • The use of antecedents in preventing behavior problems.
  • Behavior management in inclusive classrooms.
  • The procedures of Functional Behaviour Assessment.

Additional Information

Using the Advanced Diploma for entry into NIE’s full-time Bachelor of Arts (Education) / Bachelor of Science (Education) OR part-time Bachelor of Education

Upon successful completion of this programme, you may wish to apply for admission into the NIE/NTU degree programme. Admission is not automatic and all applications would be given due consideration. The admission criteria for returning teachers who are interested in using the Advanced Diploma to help gain admission into the full-time Bachelor of Arts (Education) / Bachelor of Science (Education) OR part-time Bachelor of Education are as follows and may be subjected to further updates from the Office of Teacher Education:

  • Obtained at least overall Pass in Dip Ed/ Dip PE/ Cert Ed and a minimum of 'C' Grade in an Advanced Diploma (obtained prior to the introduction of GPA System) or a minimum of CGPA of 2.50 in an Advanced Diploma (obtained after introduction of GPA System)*


  • Recommendation by Principal

*For admission to Bachelor of Education (Primary) Part-time Programme, in addition to the above criteria, candidates must also meet the following:

  • Be employed by the Ministry of Education;
  • Have at least two years of trained teaching experience; and
  • Have an annual appraisal grade of at least Grade C or better.