Graduate Research and Academic Development (GRAD) Centre

Enabling The Birth of Effective Writers

The Graduate Research and Academic Development (GRAD) Centre provides support for postgraduate students to develop as effective writers in their specialisations. It offers training in writing and professional presentation skills that are transferrable to their careers.

In the GRAD Centre, postgraduate students can receive feedback and guidance for written assignments from our English language consultants and trained peer consultants. We strive to provide an environment at NIE where you can receive specific ideas to improve your academic writing, conference presentation, and statistical analysis skills. To that end, we organize activities such as workshops on various aspects of academic writing, seminars in professional conference presentations, and writing camps for graduate students across the 10 Academic Groups at NIE.

We invite you to explore our website and join us in various writing-related events.

NIE Graduate Student Club

By Students For Students

Discover more about NIE's Graduate Student Club

For long, NIE’s ever-growing graduate student population has not been represented by a student body which is dedicated to nurturing a healthy and meaningful learning environment for the students.

Feeling this absence, with the support of the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL), a group of passionate volunteers initiated a proposal of NIEGSC and drafted its constitution in late 2018. With the approval of NTU Student Affairs Office and the endorsement of all NIE graduate students, the club was officially formalized in Feb 2019.


NIE GPL Graduate Student Club Banner

NIE Annual Graduate Student Conference

The NIE Graduate Student Conference (NIEGSC) is a conference organised by graduate students, for graduate students. NIEGSC 2022 seeks to provide a forum for NIE and NTU graduate students to share and discuss their research as well as (re-)connect and interact professionally.

Look out for updates here to this year's Graduate Student Conference!