1. What is the programme structure like?
Students are to choose one of the three(3) study tracks to fulfil a total 30AUs requirements. 
Study TrackSpecialised Electives (min)General ElectivesOverseas ImmersionDissertation or Capstone ProjectTotal
(1) Research1210N.A830
(2) Practice12126N.A30
(3) Coursework1218N.AN.A30

2. How practical are the skills acquired from the courses?

The MTI Programme is designed with a focus on training students to gain professional skills of a translator or interpreter and abilities in conducting research in translation studies. Therefore, the students are supposed to be willing to and prepared for different kinds of in-class practical training and after-class assignments that require both individual and group work.

3. What is the frequency and duration of classes?

Normally there is one session for one course per week and each session lasts for 3 hours. A typical MTI class schedule is as follows:
Weekday evenings (7:00 pm – 10:00 pm) 
Saturday mornings (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)
Saturday afternoons (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm)

So if a student takes 2 courses per semester, he/she will attend classes twice a week for a total of 6 hours.

4. What is the nature of the classes? Lecture-based, discussion-based, or assignment-based?
Most of the courses are offered with a combination of lectures, tutorials, practice, and discussions. Course instructors will make the necessary adjustments to the proportions of the components based on the overall course planning.

5. Where will the classes be conducted?

Classes are conducted on the NTU campus.

 6. How big is the class size?

The class size can between 15 and 50 students depending on the type of a course.

7. What is the medium of instruction for the courses?
The courses will be conducted in both Chinese and English.

 8. What is the mode of assessment?
There's no examination for the programme. Continuous assessment is applied to the all the courses. Typical assessment components include in-class exercises, tests, assignments, individual or team projects, and project presentations. 

9. Is there a requirement for class attendance?
Class attendance is compulsory. Students must provide proof or sound reasons for being absent from a class. All students are required to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in order to be allowed to complete the course.

10. What is the maximum and minimum number of courses a student can take in a semester?
All full-time students may register a minimum of one (1) course or up to a maximum of 15 AUs for each semester. 

11. What happens if a student, for one reason or another, cannot pass his/her examination? Will there be a second attempt given before retaking the subject?
Students will be assessed for each course with a course grade. The instructor of the course decides what format will be used to assess the students. If a student receives a grade lower than C, he/she will not receive the AUs from the course. The student can choose to either retake it or take another elective to fulfil the AU requirement for graduation, so long as he/she fulfills the minimum 12AUs from the Specialised Electives category.

12. What is the minimum and maximum duration for a student to complete the programme?

The minimum duration is 1 academic year, while the maximum candidature is 2 academic years.  

13. What is Dissertation? What is Capstone Project? How long is the write-up required?
Students on Research Track are required to complete either a dissertation or a capstone project as their last component for graduation from the programme. 

A dissertation is an original research paper in an area of research in translation or interpretation studies. The paper must be written in English with a limit of 12,000 words. 

A capstone project is a final project for graduation. Students who choose to conduct a capstone project are required to conduct translation or interpretation within 8,000 to 10,000 words depending on the type plus writing a commentary.

Students will conduct the work under the supervision of a MTI faculty member or appointed MTI Part-Time Lecturer.

14. Can a student transfer his/her credit or receive course exemptions? 

Students may receive exemptions, subject to the approval of the MTI Programme Director if they meet the following conditions:

  1. MTI students are entitled to up to three course exemptions with a maximum of 6 Academic Units (6 AUs), provided that the grade received for each course is at least 70 (B+). 
  2. Students who wish to choose the Practice Track are not allowed to do course exemption. Based on NTU policy, credit transfer and/or course exemption limit is capped at 6AUs.
  3. Course exemption is only offered ONCE. Applications must be submitted to the MTI Programme Office in the first teaching week of the programme for each intake. 
  4. Whether a course credit earned is qualified for course exemption, it will be reviewed and considered with certain conditions on a case-by-case basis, especially if credits are earned from other universities. 
  5. The AUs earned for course exemption are valid for 3 years from the time credits are received.


15. Can I apply for SSG funding support or use My SkillsFuture credit for this Programme?

You can apply and use My SkillsFuture credit but not SSG funding support. If you are a Singapore citizen and wishes to use your My Skillsfuture credit, please be reminded to apply at least a month before the commencement of the first semester as it takes time for approval.

E.g. if you are enrolled in August, you are to apply for start of July. If you are enrolled in January, you are to apply by start of December.

1. What is the duration of the overseas immersion programme, and in which season of the year does it take place?

The overseas immersion programme in a Chinese or English country or region (e.g., China, Taiwan, Australia, UK, USA, or Canada, depending on the year of enrolment) lasts 4 weeks, in May to June period. 

2. What are the expected activities for the overseas immersion programme?

During the 4-week intensive overseas immersion programme, students are required to attend all the courses offered to the MTI students, with an option to participate in the seminars and other extra curriculum activities to further enhance their translation and interpretation skills as well as their cultural awareness through cross-cultural communication.


3. If I am unable to participate in the overseas immersion programme, will there be other arrangements available?
Students on Research or Coursework Track are not required to participate for the overseas immersion. Please opt for these two tracks if you are unable to commit to the 4-week immersion period.
1. Which institution will confer the degree of Master of Arts in Translation and Interpretation?
The Master’s degree will be conferred by Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Students will also be issued a certificate from overseas partner university if they satisfy all the requirements for the immersion programme.
1. Is there an age limit for application to the programme?
No, there is no age limit for admission. All applicants are welcome as long as they meet the requirements for application.

2. What are the requirements for the language proficiency for local applicants?
The English Language:
  • A good pass in GCE ‘A’ Level General Paper, or equivalent
The Chinese Language:
  • A good pass in GCE ‘O’ Level CL1, or Higher Chinese, or equivalent 

3. Are English and Chinese Proficiency Tests, such as IELTS, TOEFL iBT and/or HSK Level 6 required?

IELTS or TOFEL iBT is required if the applicant graduated from a university with non-English medium of instruction. HSK Level 6 is required if the applicant graduated from universities with non-Chinese medium of instruction.

The proficiency test certificate must be within its valid period at the time when the application is submitted.

4. What kind of ideal candidates are you looking for?
Candidates who have a good attitude and the willingness to learn, good academic performance in previous studies, past translation and interpretation experiences, and well-balanced capabilities in speaking and writing English and Chinese. Other relevant credentials will be taken into consideration as well.

5. I am neither a Singaporean nor a Permanent Resident. Can I apply for the course?
Yes. This programme accepts both local and international students.

6. How can I apply for the MTI Programme?
Applications are to be submitted online. You may find out more by clicking the Admission tab in the navigation bar.


7. What are the admission requirements?

Admission to the MTI Programme will be based on a candidate’s prior academic record, professional experience, and language proficiency. All short-listed applicants may be required to take a self-monitored screening test, comprising two translation tasks and two oral assessments in Chinese and English and submit their answers by the deadline given. The final selection of candidates will be determined based on the results of the screening test and the review of their application.

 8. Is there an intake quota for the MTI Programme? If yes, what is the number per intake?
There is no fixed quota per intake. For the 2023 January intake, an estimated number of 38 applicants were accepted.

9. Will there be a briefing or an information session during the application period for the programme?
The MTI Programme Office will arrange 2 information sessions for each intake. In addition, throughout the year the Programme Office welcomes enquiries via email and/or phone.

10. Can I apply for graduate housing in NTU if I am accepted for the programme?

Yes, you can submit your housing application after accepting the offer. For more information, please contact the Office of Housing & Auxiliary Services at [email protected].

1. Do I have to make full payment of the tuition fees all at once upon registration?
No, you don’t have to. The tuition fees is to be paid in two tranches within the 1st year of your candidature. 

2. Are the tuition fees valid for the whole programme as long as I can complete my study within the maximum period of 2 years? 
Yes. The tuition fees are valid for the entire programme including the tuition fees for the immersion programme. However, the miscellaneous fees payable to the University will differ depending on the candidature period opted. 

3. Is it possible to pay for the tuition fees by instalment?
The tuition fees are set to be paid within the first month of each semester. Other types of payments are not considered. You may contact local banks for instalment plans. 

4. Can I apply for tuition loan to pay for the tuition fees?
There is no tuition loan offered by the University. However, if students consider borrowing loans from banks or from other institutions by themselves, the MTI Programme Office may issue an official letter upon request to state their candidature status.

5. Can I use my CPF to pay for the tuition fee?

This is beyond the arrangement of the MTI Programme. However, same as tuition loan cases, if students consider exploring the possibilities by themselves of using their CPF to pay the tuition fees, the MTI Programme Office may issue an official letter upon request to state their candidature status. 

6. Can I use my SkillsFuture Credit to cover part of the tuition fee?
Yes, you can claim your SkillsFuture Credits at the mySkillsFuture website to offset part of the tuition fees of the MTI Programme. If you would like to make a claim, please approach the MTI Programme Office at least 1 month before the start of each semester to inquire.

7. What is the estimated total cost to attend the overseas immersion?
The programme fee and student travel insurance for the overseas immersion programme are already included in the tuition fees you pay for attending the MTI Programme if you choose the Practice Track, so you do not need to pay any extra fees. 

However, you will need to pay by yourself the following costs:

  • a return air ticket,
  • a room in a hotel in the city where the immersion courses are offered,
  • three meals a day,
  • some miscellaneous fees, such as internet fees, a student pass, a library card, etc. 

8. Can I arrange for my own accommodation for the overseas immersion programme instead of choosing the recommended one?
Students may make alternative arrangements by themselves for their accommodation during the immersion period but we highly encourage them to accept the accommodation recommended by the MTI Programme Office.

9. What about air ticketing arrangement?
Students are required to make the purchase of air tickets by themselves.
1. I am currently holding a Dependant’s Pass (DP)/Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), can I apply for the programme? 

Yes, you can, but these two types of passes indicate that you are not a Singaporean or a permanent resident of Singapore. In that case, you must apply for a Student's Pass from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore. This is because the MTI Programme is a full-time programme and all full-time international students must hold a valid Student's Pass in order to study in Singapore. 

You need to do the following if you are such a case:
  1. Indicate your intention on the remarks column when you submit the eForm via the ICA SOLAR system; and
  2. Write a letter indicating your intention to use your DP/LTVP to study full-time in Singapore, and submit the letter together with a copy of the eForm 16 and your passport particulars page to ICA at the Student's Pass Unit, which is on the 4th floor in the ICA building (next to Lavender MRT station) or sent to ICA by post.

2. I am currently holding a S Pass/Work Permit, can I apply for the programme?

Yes, you can, but you are not allowed to concurrently hold a S Pass/Work Permit and a Student’s Pass in Singapore. You must seek permission from ICA prior to your acceptance of the MTI’s offer. 

If there is no permission from ICA, you will need to give up your S Pass or Work Permit in order to apply for a Student’s Pass.

3. What do I have to do after accepting MTI’s admission offer?

The MTI Programme Office will inform all international students to apply for the In-Principle Approval (IPA) using the SOLAR application number sent to you upon acceptance of offer.

The IPA is a one-time entry visa for you to enter Singapore. When you are in Singapore, you will be required to do a health screening test and go through other admission proceedings. The details will be stated in your offer letter.

4. If you are holding a Student’s Pass in Singapore, are you allowed to work?

Full-time matriculated international graduate students planning to take on part-time jobs outside of NTU are required to apply for a Letter of Endorsement from the One Stop @SAC under its Part-time Employment Scheme.  Please click here to go the One Stop @SAC webpage. The University also has a Work and Study Scheme (WSS) training programme for NTU students. To find out more about the WSS programme please click here.

During a school term period, International Students are allowed to work for a maximum of 16 hours per week. During a vacation period, International Students are allowed to work for a maximum of 9 hours per day or 44 hours per week.