Special Message: Quotes of the day: announcement of incoming LKCMedicine Dean

NTU President Subra Suresh

"I am really delighted to announce that Professor Joseph Sung, a very eminent gastroenterologist and academic leader from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, will join NTU Singapore as the next Dean of LKCMedicine.

To many people in the community especially in Asia, Professor Sung doesn't need much introduction. He is a clinical scientist, a distinguished scholar, with hundreds of publications. Previously, he served as the President, Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese Hong Kong University from 2010-2017.

Throughout his career, Professor Sung has received high recognition for his research and gastroenterology, teaching, and leadership, as well as substantial ranks for his varying research works spanning a variety of healthcare concerns from the prevention and early diagnosis of gastric disorders and cancers to SARS and infectious diseases."

LKCMedicine Governing Board Chairman Mr Lim Chuan Poh

"From the perspective of contributing to the vision for Singapore in terms of health and biomedical sciences, and certainly when we look at this as the Search Committee, we were looking really for someone that can integrate with the efforts at NTU; integrate the medical school with engineering, with the sciences, with the humanities. So, there is a need to be more synergistic and more integrated.

The second area that (we) always look at is the development in biomedical sciences to translate the knowledge discovery to impactful outcomes through innovation, through directly impacting the healthcare practices in a way that will create better outcomes, more affordability, or better access. So, there is a whole multidisciplinary approach, there is also the translational focus.

The third area is (tying) to NTU's achievements in terms of international linkages, international connectivity, and as a result, international recognition, building more impactful outcomes, especially in the grand challenges facing humanity today. From this perspective, we cannot find a more fitting candidate than Professor Joseph Sung because he has spent years in academia, especially in leadership. 

He has demonstrated all those qualities and we are very fortunate that Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and, of course, NTU will have someone like Professor Sung stepping forward to want to continue in this journey to bring LKCMedicine to the next phase of growth and leadership."

NTU Deputy President and Provost Professor Ling San

"It is such a pleasure and of course such a relief that finally you are coming on board. Welcome, and I am really looking forward to working with you and to elevate LKCMedicine. And I want to also thank all the members of the search committee particularly, to Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz and Mr Lim Chuan Poh. I know how much effort you have put into shortlisting and interviewing the candidates."

Incoming Dean at LKCMedicine Professor Joseph Sung

"I am really excited about this opportunity, turning a new page in my life by moving to Singapore and working with you to steer new heights for this medical school and this great university.

I like to thank President Subra Suresh and Prof Ling San for guiding me through this process of joining the School. I like to thank Chairman of NTU Board of Trustee Mr Koh Boon Hwee, Chairman of LKCMedicine Governing Board Chairman Mr Lim, Prof Borysiewicz, and members of (the School's search advisory) committee for giving me this opportunity.

My excitement really stems from an opportunity to work with the young and vibrant young university, a top institution not just in Asia but also in the global league. I think healthcare and education are really my passion throughout my whole career and having the opportunity to work with colleagues in other disciplines, for example, engineering, environmental science, education, will further develop healthcare. And I hope I will be able to (make) some interdisciplinary research for this university.

I am also very excited to work with clinical colleagues in Tan Tock Seng Hospital and others in the National Health Care Group in developing translational research (by applying) knowledge to clinical practice (to) make an impact on patients' outcomes."