Management and Leadership in Schools Programme



The Management and Leadership In Schools (MLS) is a 17-week milestone leadership programme for middle managers (MMs) in schools. The dynamic educational landscape requires MMs to be future-ready to lead and manage their departments and support their school leaders in increasingly complex environments. The MLS aims to develop skills, knowledge and competencies for effective middle management and leadership, especially in the area of teaching and learning.

MLS courses, and its diverse learning experiences, provide participants with opportunities to deeply reflect on educational leadership values and philosophy, learn and develop relevant knowledge, skills and competencies (e.g., MOE’s Leader Growth Model) for practice at schools. This is supported by a diverse range of pedagogies such as online learning (synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid), case studies, cooperative learning, small group discussions, and presentations to ensure that different modes and modalities of learning are experienced.


The key underlying andragogical principle of the MLS is knowledge construction, sharing and application within a social constructivist paradigm. Under such a paradigm, MLS participants are expected to learn beyond the inputs of the courses by engaging in deep and meaningful social generation of knowledge. The various learning platforms in the MLS are designed to provide opportunities for interactions among participants, to construct, share and apply new knowledge. There is an intentional integration of learning across learning platforms for greater learning efficacy.

The MLS has been designed to maximise participants’ learning through the following learning platforms:

  1. Core and Electives
  2. Capstone Project
  3. Regional Visit (RV) or Learning Experiences Beyond Campus (LEBC)
  4. Professional Conversations


This is a full-time programme of 17 weeks' duration.

Contact Us

For queries on programme administration, please e-mail: