Teaching Scholars Programme



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What is Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education (NTU-NIE) Teaching Scholars Programme (TSP)?

TSP is a prestigious award for outstanding young persons with a passion and calling to be professional leaders in education. The Teaching Scholars Programme sits on a 4-years multi-disciplinary undergraduate programme, where students are expected to take part in both content and educational research. It also offers a wide range of education- related and overseas opportunities. TSP students are given the chance to be part of a close community of exceptionally motivated and talented educators. It aims to produce graduates with intellectual rigour, strong leadership, and global perspective to make significant contributions to education. 

How is the TSP different from the other local universities' scholars programmes?

TSP is a prestigious award for outstanding young persons with a passion and calling to be professional leaders in education. TSP provides personal, cultural and leadership development opportunities for outstanding students. The TSP is a rigorous programme that is geared towards helping students connect their academic and personal goals, and through these experiences empower them to be informed citizens, ethical leaders, and active contributors to our society. TSP provides opportunities to work with academic advisors and eminent research mentors. For instance, as part of the NTU Undergraduate Research Experience on CAmpus (URECA) programme, it aims to cultivate a research culture among the most able undergraduates in NTU. It is a unique opportunity for outstanding NTU undergraduates to pursue independent research under the supervision of a professor over an 11-month period. In addition, TSP allows students an option to take electives from NIE, NTU (including University Scholars Programmes electives) and overseas universities. In the programme, TSP scholars are able to attend seminars and dialogues with distinguished professors, policy makers and trailblazers. The programme also aims to develop a global perspective on education through semester exchange and/or international practicum. TSP scholars learn beyond the classroom through a wide range of research, internships (MOE HQ, National Heritage Board, Singapore Kindness Movement, etc.), and overseas service learning opportunities, attend leadership programmes and workshops. Teaching scholars will also be given the opportunity to present their research in local or international conferences. This will serve to develop them as professional leaders, and sharpen their research and communication skills.

Are the TSP and the MOE Teaching Award the same thing?

Both are related but not synonymous with each other.

TSP is the specialised undergraduate degree programme that scholars will undergo. MOE Teaching Award/ Scholarship is a MOE Scholarship for candidates with a strong passion for teaching. Recipients of MOE Scholarship or Award will be automatically placed on the NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme with full sponsorship by MOE.

What degree will I graduate with upon successful completion of the TSP?

TSP students will graduate with either a Bachelor of Arts in an Academic Discipline and in Education, or a Bachelor of Science in an Academic Discipline and in Education, with direct honours conferred depending on your academic performance. Upon graduation, they will also be accredited with the necessary teaching qualifications.

What do NTU-NIE TSP graduates go on to do?

TSP students go on to pursue careers in teaching and leadership positions in the Ministry of Education.

What is the TSP course fee?

Students accepted into TSP will be fully sponsored by MOE.

What are the academic expectations of TSP students?

TSP students are required to maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) of 3.5 and above throughout their course of studies. TSP students are also expected to participate in NTU-NIE activities and contribute to the NTU-NIE community.

Are TSP students allowed to take courses from other colleges/ schools in NTU?

Yes, TSP students can take electives from other colleges/ schools in NTU.

Is on-campus accommodation compulsory for TSP students?

All TSP students will be *guaranteed accommodation in NTU Hall of Residence for the four years in the programme. Students can enjoy the unique experience of living, learning and growing with NTU’s community of student residents.

Staying on campus is not compulsory, but it is highly encouraged. It is a rare opportunity not to be missed.

*Terms and Conditions apply

Are TSP students able to get involved in student clubs?

Yes, TSP students are encouraged to join student clubs at NIE/ NTU for a fuller, more enriching university experience.

What are you looking for in a Teacher Scholar?

Prospective Teacher Scholars should demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Creativity inside and outside the classroom
  • Passion for teaching and to make a positive difference in this world
  • Passion for teaching and to make a positive difference in this world
  • Energy, ideas, ambition to learn and innovate
  • Interdisciplinary curiosity
  • Vision and global perspective

How do I apply for TSP?

‍Applicants need to select either the NTU Bachelor of Arts in an Academic Discipline and in Education or Bachelor of Science in an Academic Discipline and in Education as a choice of study and indicate interest in TSP to be considered. Applicants need to also fill in MOE’s application form.

The admission period and list of supporting documents to be included will differ depending on the applicant’s education background.