Certificate in Educational Assessment


This certificate programme seeks to provide participants with a strong grounding in both the theories and methods of assessment in order that they can conceptualise and review assessment practices. The programme aims to achieve the following:

  • deepen participants’ knowledge and understanding of the general process of educational assessment, its key concepts, principles and techniques;
  • enhance their skills in designing, enacting, interpreting and contextualising assessment and learning;
  • enable them to examine relationships in, and between, different learning theories and assessment paradigms;
  • increase their capacities to examine and critique current assessment and learning practices within and beyond schools.

This certificate programme is for educators who meet the following entry requirements:

  1. a degree (for educators without a degree, applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis), and
  2. a minimum of two years of teaching experience.

* For applicants who do not have a degree, the NIE will review and select the applicants based on the following criteria:

  1. Educators must have at least a Diploma in Education, and
  2. A strong letter of support from the principal/organisation.

This Certificate consists of two courses totaling 8 academic units (AUs) which is equivalent to 104 hours.

Course CodeTitleNo. of AUs
Assessment Principles and Methods4
ICT6008*Theories & Perspectives of Assessment & Learning4

*Both IPS6014 and ICT6008 will be cross-coded with MPM901 and MCT903, respectively.

For its course description, please see below.

IPS6014 Assessment Principles and Methods
This course introduces participants to the general process of educational assessment and the key concepts, principles, and techniques of assessment. Topics covered include the role of assessment and measurement in teaching and learning; concepts of validity, reliability and usability; assessment purposes and strategies; test construction and techniques of assessment; test theories; analysis, interpretation and use of assessment results. This course will contain short lectures, discussions, experiential learning tasks and small group presentations. Participants will have opportunities to discuss relevant issues in assessment as well as practice ways of researching educational assessment.

This course is eligible for credit transfer into MPM901 in the Masters of Education (Educational Assessment).
ICT6008 Theories & Perspectives of Assessment & Learning
This introductory course invites participants to examine the roles of learning and assessment in schools and beyond, and revolves around the thesis that learning and assessment are dialectical in nature. Such a premise underscores the rationale of studying assessment and learning conjunctively in any education context. Course participants will be led to explore the relationships in, and between, different learning theories and assessment paradigms. The explorations will be situated in different contexts of environments (e.g., school and work-place) and assessment methodologies (e.g., public examinations and self-assessment). The processes and experiences of different learning and assessment episodes are in turn examined for important implications on how curricular and teaching practices are received within an individual’s lifespan.

This course is eligible for credit transfer into MCT903 in the Masters of Education (Curriculum & Teaching).

Application is through the Academy of Singapore Teachers, based on nomination by the school Principal.

For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail: [email protected].