Certificate in Primary Mathematics Education


This certificate programme seeks to develop professional competence and expertise in teaching Mathematics as an upper primary school subject. It aims to achieve the following objectives:

a) to provide teachers with a framework of knowledge and skills in the subject specialisation

b) to provide perspectives on the topics and themes in curriculum in the subject specialisation for teachers to reflect, re-examine and refine their classroom and assessment practices.

Teachers who graduated with a Diploma in Education can use this certificate to gain accreditation towards the Advanced Diploma in Primary Mathematics Education

Do I Qualify?

The Certificate is for current primary school teachers who hold either a

a. Diploma in Education (Dip Ed) 


b. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from NIE or its equivalent.

To be considered for admission into the Certificate programme, applicants will need to have at least 2 years of teaching experience in the corresponding subject.


Participants will be required to complete any 5 courses within 5 years to qualify for the award of the Certificate.

These courses are designed to develop teachers’ competencies in the subject matter knowledge and to reflect, re-examine and refine their current classroom instruction and assessment practices, in relation to understanding the corresponding subject matter knowledge. Hence these courses are strongly grounded in the subject matter knowledge of the discipline.

Course CodeTraisi CodeTitleNo. of AUs
IME441631307Topics in Numbers
IME441731308Topics in Geometry & Measurement
IME440931311Mathematical Processes in Numbers
IME441031312Mathematical Processes in Data Handling
IME440431309School-Based Curriculum Development in Mathematics
IME441131313Mathematical Processes in Algebra
IME441231314Mathematical Processes in Geometry
IME441331315Mathematical Processes in Measurement
IME441431316Mathematical Processes in Ratio, Rate & Speed
IME441831310School-Based Assessment Practices in Mathematics
IME4415N.A. Professional Portfolio (For ADPME modular)1

The courses will prepare the teachers for specializing in primary mathematics teaching at the upper primary level, with emphasis on the topics that are taught in the primary mathematics curriculum. Each course will also examine the related assessment practices based on the subject matter knowledge of the topic.

For its course description, please see below.

Course Description

IME4416 - Topics in NumbersThis course provides the foundational understanding of arithmetic topics which form a major portion of the primary mathematics curriculum. Problem solving processes will be introduced and re-visited in the different topics, which include historical evolution of number concepts; development of place value systems; classification of extended number systems; elementary number theory.
IME4417 - Topics in Geometry & MeasurementThis course aims to equip the primary mathematics teacher with a deeper understanding of geometry and measurement topics in the primary mathematics curriculum. Topics include the historical evolution of the concept of measurement in two and three dimensions; the foundational concepts of congruence and similarity; modern approaches to geometry based on symmetry and transformations and their implications for classroom teaching.
IME4409 - Mathematical Processes in NumbersThis course will focus on different ways to foster mathematical processes in primary mathematics classrooms, according to the Singapore mathematics curriculum framework, for Numbers, including Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals and Percent. The use of mathematical tasks to develop mathematical thinking and reasoning will also be discussed.
IME4410 - Mathematical Processes in Data HandlingThis course deepens teachers’ mathematics pedagogical content knowledge about the teaching and learning of data handling. Various forms of data collection, organisation, representation and interpretation will be discussed. How children make sense of data will be focused upon to help them draw connections between school mathematics and the real-world.
IME4404 - School-Based Curriculum Development in MathematicsThis course introduces the participants to both the components and the processes of curriculum development in mathematics. Participants will apply the knowledge to school-based mathematics curriculum development, and discussed it in relation to the Singapore mathematics curriculum.
IME4411 - Mathematical Processes in AlgebraThis course will explore different ways to foster mathematical processes according to the Singapore mathematics curriculum framework in the teaching of basic algebraic reasoning and the introduction of formal algebra.
IME4412 - Mathematical Processes in GeometryThe course aims to increase teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of Geometry. Different ways to foster mathematical processes according to the Singapore mathematics curriculum framework, the diagnosis of learning difficulties and misconceptions and how to help students enhance their spatial visualisation will be covered. Course topics include various teaching strategies and approaches, including the use of technology, word problems, pupils’ thinking, their errors and misconceptions and remedial instructions.
IME4413 - Mathematical Processes in MeasurementThe course aims to increase teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of Measurement. Different ways to foster mathematical processes according to the Singapore mathematics curriculum framework, the diagnosis of learning difficulties and misconceptions and how to help students make sense of measurement will be covered. Course topics include fundamental ideas in measurement, various teaching strategies and approaches incorporating the use of technology, word problems, pupils’ thinking, their errors and misconceptions and remedial instructions.
IME4414 - Mathematical Processes in Ratio, Rate & SpeedThis course focuses mathematical processes according to the Singapore mathematics curriculum framework in the teaching and learning of ratio, rate and speed. It deepens teachers’ mathematics pedagogical content knowledge in the topics.
IME4418 - School-Based Assessment Practices in MathematicsThis course advances teachers’ assessment literacy beyond knowledge-comprehension- practice phase of initial teacher preparation into the application-analysis phase. Within a broader framework of curriculum-instruction-assessment, it builds upon teachers’ existing knowledge of assessment strategies in primary mathematics to plan school-based, level-wide assessment programmes for teaching and learning purposes.


Participants who have completed any 5 courses within the 5-years validity period can apply for accreditation of the courses into the programme by completing the form here.

Application For Courses

For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail: inservice@nie.edu.sg.