Certificate in Special Needs Support


This professional development in-service training serves to provide mainstream teachers in the primary and secondary schools with more in-depth knowledge, skills and understanding of the special needs of diverse learners and foster the development of teachers’ education.

Teachers who graduated with a Diploma in Education can use this certificate to gain accreditation towards the Advanced Diploma in Special Learning and Behavioural Needs.

The Certificate is offered to qualified teachers in primary and secondary schools with a Diploma in Education, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education, or their equivalent.

The programme offers two groups of courses that need to be completed for graduation. The foundational course comprise of one essential course of 1 AU. The Content Areas in Disability courses require the completion of three prescribed elective courses of 3 AUs each. Teachers are required to complete a total of at 10 AUs in order to complete the Certificate.

Course Participation

This component of assessment takes place DURING the course run. This typically takes the form of tutorial/seminar participation, tutorial/seminar activities, and/or presentations. Tutors should be approached with questions about course assessments and requirements. NIE does not credit or prorate marks for tutorials that you miss (with or without a valid reason). In addition, credit for the tutorial participation missed will only be given if a written assignment is handed in to the tutor before the assignment deadline.

Course Assignments

This component of assessment takes place AFTER the course run. This typically takes the form of written assignments, whether as an individual or as a group. Please refer to the course outline for more information. Those receiving postgraduate certification for this course are expected to submit an additional assignment. Tutors should be approached with questions about course assessments and requirements. You are responsible for submitting assignments before the deadline. Late submissions may be penalised.

Course CodeTitleNo. of AUs
Engaging Students with Special Needs in Mainstream Classrooms
IEC4003Learning Disabilities: Characteristics and Classroom Intervention3IEC4019
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics and Classroom Intervention
Emotional / Behavioural Difficulties: Characteristics and Classroom Intervention
IEC4020Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorders: Characteristics and Classroom Intervention3 IEC4019
IEC4021Physical and Sensory Difficulties: Characteristics and Classroom Intervention3 IEC4019

Click here to download the Programme Handbook for 2019/2020.

For its course description, please see below.

IEC4019 - Engaging Students with Special Needs in Mainstream ClassroomsAs the number of pupils identified with special needs in schools has been on the rise, all teachers will at some point in their career teach a pupil with special needs. This course seeks to equip teachers with an introduction to the context of special needs education in Singapore as well as an understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of stakeholders in this process. Participants will be introduced to a framework for supporting pupils with special needs in their classrooms drawing on strengths within the classroom context and incorporating other resources within the school and community. This would include existing systems within current school contexts such as The Systemic Model for Support and Case Management Teams. In addition, course participants will also be introduced to the ecological framework and a systematic approach for intervention involving assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation (APIE).  This course will provide a foundation for building supportive partnerships with families of pupils with special needs.
IEC4003 - Learning Disabilities: Characteristics and Classroom InterventionThis course provides an overview of characteristics and prevalence of learning disabilities, as well as the challenges faced by students with learning disabilities. Educational approaches including learning strategies and social skills development for these students will be examined.
IEC4004 - Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics and Classroom InterventionThis course provides an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with a primary focus on students with high functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome. The definitions and characteristics of learners with ASD will be examined in the light of planning intervention programmes. The participants will learn strategies for supporting these learners in local mainstream schools.
IEC4014 - Emotional/ Behavioural Difficulties: Characteristics and Classroom InterventionThis course provides an overview of emotional/behavioural difficulties (E/BD). Conceptual models and approaches of E/BD and common conditions of the various types of E/BD and their causes will be examined. Assessment of E/BD, as well as classroom management to reduce challenging behaviours will be included. Students will learn how to prevent some difficult behaviours and respond appropriately when behavioural problems occur.
IEC4020 - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders: Characteristics and Classroom InterventionAn overview of how to support children and youth with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the classroom will be provided through this course. The definitions, characteristics and challenges of learners with ADHD will be examined through use of case studies and the opportunity to apply theory to practice, in the light of deriving practical and pragmatic strategies to address challenges faced by both the student and teacher in local mainstream schools in a holistic and systematic fashion employing frameworks introduced in earlier course(s) such as the ecological framework and the APIE within one’s school context.
IEC4021 - Physical and Sensory Difficulties: Characteristics and Classroom InterventionAn overview of how to support children and youth with physical and sensory difficulties in the classroom will be provided through this course. The definitions, characteristics and challenges of learners with physical and sensory difficulties will be examined through use of case studies and the opportunity to apply theory to practice, in the light of deriving practical and pragmatic strategies to address challenges faced by both the student and teacher in local mainstream schools in a holistic and systematic fashion employing frameworks introduced in earlier course(s) such as the ecological framework and the APIE within one’s school context.


Reflections on Blended Learning: IEC4020 - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Teachers interested to complete the certification should approach their School Leaders and School Staff Developers, who will nominate them for the programme. Trained TSNs or teachers who are interested to attend individual modules may register through Opal.

For enquiry on course administration, please e-mail: [email protected].