Embracing Growth Through Strategic Career Transition in Cloud Infrastructure Engineering


Ingale Sagar Dattatraya

System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services
Completed SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme in Cloud Infrastructure Engineering

Please share with us your professional life’s journey and at which point in your career did you aspire to pursue this programme?

In the wake of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, I've come to appreciate the significance of pursuing a career that provides the flexibility to work remotely. Despite my past accomplishments in my career pathway, I find myself at a standstill, comfortable but stagnant. I am now seeking to break free from this comfort and embrace fresh challenges in a career that promises ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

How was your learning experience with this programme?

The educational journey was truly remarkable, especially as I consider myself an inquisitive yet sometimes hesitant student when it comes to grasping certain concepts. Nevertheless, the dedicated educators and career mentors provided me with exceptional support, tailoring their approach to fit my unique personality and learning needs. Their guidance and encouragement helped me overcome my hesitancy and delve deeper into subjects that I found challenging. I developed a greater sense of confidence and curiosity, which significantly enriched my academic experience. I am grateful for the endless encouragement that helped me grow both academically and personally.

Which aspect of this programme did you like the most?

I was able to participate in the virtual seminar that allowed me to engage directly with employers and gain a firsthand understanding of their specific expectations and requirements. This interaction proved to be incredibly insightful, providing me with valuable insights into the current priorities and preferences of employers in today's job market. It was an illuminating experience that gave me a clear perspective on what employers are truly looking for in potential candidates.

Could you share with us some interesting facets of the programme you enrolled?

I believe that as students, we often learn better from our peers than solely from our teachers. Sometimes educators may inadvertently miss certain aspects and fail to adequately explain certain topics. This programme provided opportunities for insightful discussions with my classmates, where I found that I understood certain ideas better. I believe that, in terms of thinking processes, my classmates can often relate to me, making it easier to learn from them on some topics.

How have you benefited from the career services and support provided to you through our programme?

I've come to understand that to create an impressive resume and expand my professional network, it's essential to highlight your current skills and experiences as key strengths. This strategic approach can significantly improve my chances of securing a desirable position. I've found that by effectively showcasing your competencies and achievements, you can position yourself as an asset to potential employers and stand out in a competitive job market. Furthermore, actively networking with professionals in your field can provide valuable insights and opportunities for career advancement.