Gaining software development skill sets and confidence in learning new technologies

Melissa Chua
Freelance Copywriter
Completed SGUnited Skills Programme in Software Developer Immersive
What attracted you to your chosen programme at PaCE@NTU?
I had always been keen to learn software development that I even attempted to self-learn HTML and CSS to improve my professional skillset. However, I never really had the momentum to follow through on my own. When I saw the syllabus of NTU SGUS Programme in Software Developer Immersive I was immediately interested, especially since I knew that I would be guided and mentored by experienced instructors. What attracted me in particular was how well-rounded the topics were from front-end to back-end to mobile development. The full-stack nature of the syllabus was what really appealed to me.
What were the challenges you faced when trying to complete this programme?
While the course content covered the foundation of what was needed to grasp the fundamental skills required for software development, getting the most of the course required reading far beyond what was in the syllabus. I found that while completing assignments and projects that a lot of information needed to be self-learnt or self-researched. I highlighted this as a challenge because it was completely opposite of what most of us experienced in school, where we learnt only what was necessary to pass the exam. For this SGUS programme, there was no exam. The benchmark of how well you did was totally up to you and your initiative.
Which aspect of this programme did you like the most?
I really enjoyed the combination of synchronous and asynchronous e-learning. The reverse classroom format was really effective for me because it gave me time to absorb and digest any new content prior to class so that I could reaffirm during class with the instructor what I had learnt or read. I could also prepare questions in advance and spend more time focused on the practical hands-on exercises.
How would you apply what you've learnt in this programme?
This SGUS programme benefitted me in my career development by expanding my skillsets in a highly sought-after area and gave me way more options when it comes to my next career move. My main takeaway from this programme that is beyond the actual hard skills is the confidence to learn other technologies and coding languages. I used to be very intimidated by code. Now, I'm less afraid to take on new frameworks, tools, and languages because I've already proven to myself that I can do it.
Do you think lifelong learning is important? Please share your thoughts about it.
Absolutely. Lifelong learning isn't an obligation to me — it is fun, expansive and exciting. Picking up new skills has always been a joy to me because of the value it adds to my life, both as a person and a professional. I've found that every time I learn something new, I gain a new perspective and that helps me approach challenges with a more innovative and creative mindset.