- regional governance and Asian regionalism
- policy innovation study in Asia;
- public administration and public consultation in Asia; and
- rise of China and its consequent global and regional impact - this research area aims to study the impact and implications of a rising China on Asia and/or Asian regionalism, as well as on global politics (e.g. the potential reform of institutions such as the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank).
At the same time, PPGA faculty conduct research on other policy issues, such as the role of religion in the public sphere, the relationship between identity and violence, Covid-19 management policies of different countries, critical questions in Political Theory, urban governance, inter alia.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah:
Muslim Activism in Singapore
Felicity HH Chan:
HAB-itat (sense of home and belonging in the age of global mobility)
Urban Imprints of Immigration in Singapore: the socio-spatial impacts of international schools on locales (SUG)
Inter-cultural Learning and Urban Planning in Diverse Places
Chung-An Chen:
Preparing public affairs (PA) students for future public service (Tier 1)
Does PFP compromise job satisfaction and public service motivation?
Meng-Hsuan Chou:
'European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges' (ETEE) (the Jean Monnet Network Grant, European Commission)
Unraveling Interdependence: Global Scholarship in Practice (the Fung Global Network Fund, Princeton University)
Azusa Katagiri:
The Strategic Sequencing of Signals in Crisis Bargaining: Computational Approach to Foreign Relations
Documents (Tier 1)
Political and Diplomatic Communication in Interstate Conflicts: A Computational Approach to Historical
Documents (SUG)
Soojin Kim
Exploring the Determinants of Better Financial Performance in the Public Sector: In Pursuit of New Evidence (SUG)
The Quality of Government and Varieties of Governance. Social Science Korea (SSK) Research Grant of the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2018S1A3A2075609)
Towards Financially Effective Service Delivery: International Evidence on Public-Private Partnerships (HASS
Incentive Scheme for the Development of Competitive Research Grant)
Preparing Public Affairs (PA) Students for Future Public Service: Examining a Long-Term Change of Students’
Public Service Perceptions, Values, and Propensity in Singapore and the World (Tier 1)
Kei Koga:
Security Policy under Strategic Uncertainty: Behavior of Secondary Powers in the age of the East Asian Power Shifts
Managing Great Power Politics: ASEAN, Institutional Strategy, and South China Sea
Institutional Transformation of Regional Security Institutions
Tactical Hedging and Strategic Alignments
Christopher Holman:
Democracy and Comparative Political Theory: Imaginative Encounters in the History of Political Thought (Tier 1)
Liu Hong:
Transnational Knowledge Transfer and Dynamic Governance in the Global South (Tier-2)
SG200: Heritage, Identity, Progress (NTU Strategic initiative Grant)
Dylan M.H. Loh
Diplomacy at the margins: How non-state actors sustain, contest and supplant international diplomacy
Stranger Things: Technologies, Liminalities and Novelties in International Politics
Sabrina Luk:
Sustainability of healthcare financing and the importance of healthy ageing: The case study of Singapore
Wang Jue:
A comparative study of innovation system (Shenzhen S&T Innovation Commission)
Transformations of Career Development in Academia (TUM Global Incentive Fund. 2018-2019)
Hong Liu, Celia Lee, and Chris Alden, “The Dynamics of Governance and Sustainable Development Goals in the Global South,” Global Policy, vol. 13, issue S1 (April 2022), 5-10.
Hong Liu,“China Engages the Global South: From Bandung to the Belt and Road Initiative,” Global Policy, vol. 13, issue S1 (April 2022), 11-22.
Ren Na and Hong Liu, “Southeast Asian Chinese Engage a Rising China: Business Associations, Institutionalised Transnationalism, and the Networked State ,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vo. 48, no. 4 (March 2022), 873-893.
Hong Liu, “The New Chinese Diaspora in a Globalising Singapore,” Melbourne Asia Review (November 2021), 1-11. [An on-line journal edited and published by the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne].
Hong Liu and Tingyan Wang, “The Institutionalization and Effectiveness of Transnational Policy Transfer: The China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park as a Case Study,” Public Administration and Development, vol. 41, no. 3 (August 2021), 103-114.
Audrey Toh and Hong Liu, “Language Ideologies, Chinese Identities and Imagined Futures: Perspectives from Ethnic Chinese Singaporean University Students,” Journal of Chinese Overseas, vol. 17, no. 1 (June 2021), pp. 1-30.
Hong Liu, Tan Kong Yam, Guanie Lim, “Introduction: Southeast Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative: The Political Economy of Regionalism, Trade and Infrastructure,” Singapore Economic Review, vol. 66, no. 1 (2021), pp. 1-20.
Hong Liu, Xin Fan, Lim Guanie, “Singapore Engages the Belt and Road Initiative: Perceptions, Policies, and Institutions,”Singapore Economic Review, vol. 66, no. 1 (2021), pp. 219-241.
Xu, C. & Chen, C. A. (2021). “Revisiting Motivations for a Public Service Career (MPSC): The Case of China.” Public Personnel Management, available online.
Zeger Val der Wal., Assel Mussagulova, and Chung-An Chen. (2020). Path Dependent Public Servants: Comparing the Influence of Traditions on Administrative Behavior in Developing Asia. Public Administration Review [online].
Chung-An Chen and Chengwei Xu. (2020). “No, I Cannot Just Walk Away”: Government Career Entrenchment in China. International Review of Administrative Science [Online].
Chung-An Chen, Chih-Wei Hsieh, and Don-Yun Chen. (2020). Can Training Enhance Public Employees’ Public Service Motivation? A Pretest-Posttest Design.
Review of Public Personnel Administration, available online.
Holman, Christopher (2021). “Pierre Clastres as Comparative Political Theorist: The Democratic Potential of the New Political Anthropology,” European Journal of Political Theory 20(1): 67-94.
Eunju Rho, Soojin Kim, and Sumin Han. (2020). Taking Context and Strategy Seriously: The Contracting Out Decision in the U.S. Public Education. Public Management Review [online].
Kei Koga and Zul Hazmi Nordin (2020). Institutional
collapse and shifting balance of ontological security: role of
Malaysia’s dual identity in the decay of ASPAC in the 1960s and 1970s. The Pacific Review, 33(5): 842-871.
Dylan MH Loh and Jaakko Heiskanen. (2020). Liminal sovereignty practices: Rethinking the inside/outside dichotomy. Conflict & Cooperation.
55(3): 284-304
Saiya, Nilay, and Stuti, Manchanda (2020). “Do burqa bans make us safer? Veil prohibitions and terrorism in Europe,” European Journal of Public Policy, 27(12), 1781-1800.
Nilay Saiya and Stuti Manchanda. (2020). Anti-conversion Laws and Violent Christian Persecution in the States of India: A Quantitative Analysis. Ethnicities,
20(3): 587-607.
Henne, Peter S., Saiya, Nilay,
& Hand, Ashlyn W. (2020). “Weapon of the Strong? Government support
for religion and majoritarian terrorism,” Journal of Conflict
Resolution, 64 (10): 1943-1967.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah and Soojin Kim. (2020). Singapore’s Responses to the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Critical Assessment. American Review of Public Administration, 50(6-7), 770-776.
Abdullah, Walid Jumblatt (2020). “New Normal No More? Democratic Backsliding in Singapore after 2015,” Democratization, 27(7): 1123-1141.
Chung-An Chen, Don-Yun Chen, Zhou-Peng Liao, and Ming-Feng Kuo. (2020). Winnowing Out High-PSM
Candidates: The Adverse Selection Effect of Competitive Public Service Exams. International Public Management Journal, available online.
Yasmin Ortiga, Meng-Hsuan Chou, and Jue Wang. (2020). Competing for Academic Labor: Research and Recruitment Outside the Academic Center. Minerva [online].
Christopher Holman. (2020). ‘Gli
umori delle parti’: Humoral Dynamics and Democratic Potential in the Florentine
Histories. Political
Theory, pp. 1-28 [forthcoming].
Hong Liu and Huimei Zhang. (2020). Singapore as a Nexus of
Migration Corridors: The Qiaopi System and Diasporic Heritage, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 29(2): 207-226.
Hong Liu. (2020). Transnational Asia and Its
Changing Dynamics at the Turn of the 21st Century. In Hitoshi Tanaka, ed., Historical Narratives of East Asia in
the 21st Century: Overcoming the Politics of National Identity, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 134-148.
Hong Liu and Guanie Lim. (2020). A Nanyang Approach to the Belt
and Road Initiative. In Zheng Yongnian and Zhao Litao, eds., Chineseness and Modernity in a Changing China: Essays in honor
of Professor Wang Gungwu, Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 253-286.
Gregor Benton and Hong Liu. (2020). Qiaopi and Charity: The Mechanisms and Impact of Diasporic Chinese Philanthropy. In John Fitzgerald and Hon-min Yip, eds., Chinese Diaspora Charity and the Cantonese
Pacific, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 51-71.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2020). Fiscal Sustainability Challenge
and the Importance of Primary Health Care. In Ben Yuk Fai Fong, Vincent Tin Sing Law, and Albert Lee, eds. in Primary Care Revisited for the New Era:
An Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer, pp.39-49.
Wali Aslam, Leslie Wehner, Kei
Koga, Janis van der Westhuizen, Cameron G Thies, and Feliciano de Sá Guimarães. (2020). Misplaced states and the
politics of regional identity: towards a theoretical framework. Cambridge Review of
International Affairs, 33(4): 505-526.
Kei Koga. (2020). The Evolution of Japan’s
‘misplacement’: from the Meiji Restoration to the Post-Cold war era. Cambridge Review of
International Affairs, 33(4): 572-587.
Kei Koga. (2020). Japan’s “Indo-Pacific”
question: countering China or shaping a new regional order? International Affairs, 96(1): 49-73.
Kei Koga and Zul Hazmi Nordin (2020). Institutional collapse and shifting balance of ontological security: role of Malaysia’s dual identity in the decay of ASPAC in the 1960s and 1970s. The Pacific Review, 33(5): 842-871.
Kei Koga. (2020). Japan-Southeast Asia Relations: Great Disruption: Uncertainty over the Indo-Pacific. Comparative Connections, 22(1): 137-148.
Kei Koga. (2020). Path Dependence, Resilience, and the Gradual Transformation of Regional Security Architectures in Asia. Asia Policy 15(1): 135-138.
Kei Koga. (2020). Singapore’s Distinctive “Quasi-Bases”: Regional Security Environment, National Discourse, and Path-Dependence. In Shinji Kawana Minori Takahashi, eds., Exploring Base Politics: How Host Countries Shape The Network of U.S. Overseas Bases. Routledge. [Forthcoming].
Soojin Kim, Yunsoo Lee, and Taehee Kim. (2020). The Relationship between Fiscal Decentralization and Trust in Government: Evidence from the South Korean Case. International Review of Administrative Sciences [online].
Soojin Kim and Kai Xiang Kwa. (2020). A Closer Look at Risk Factors for Public-Private Partnerships in Singapore: Six Case Studies. Asian Journal of Political Science, 28(2), 142-163.
Soojin Kim, Il Hwan Chung, and Tae Ho Eom. (2020). Institutional Differences and Local Government Performance: Evidence from Property Tax Assessment Quality. Public Performance & Management Review, 43(2): 388-413.
Nilay Saiya. (2020). Confronting Apocalyptic Terrorism: Lessons from France and Japan. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 43(9): 375-395.
Nilay Saiya and Stuti Manchanda. (2020). Anti-conversion Laws and Violent Christian Persecution in the States of India: A Quantitative Analysis. Ethnicities, 20(3): 587-607.
Liwei Zhang and Jue Wang. (2020). Talent Policy: What Matters for Overseas Chinese Scholars? Studies in Science of Science 38(8): 1390-1396. (In Chinese)
Warit Wipulanusat, Kriengsak Panuwatwanich, Rodney Stewart, Stewart Arnold, and Jue Wang. (2020). Bayesian network revealing pathways to workplace innovation and career satisfaction in the public service. Journal of Management Analytics 7(2): 253-280.
Assel Mussagulova, Zeger van der Wal, and Chung-An Chen. (2019). What Is Wrong with Job Security? Public Administration
and Development, 39(3), 121-132.
Chung-An Chen, Barry Bozeman, and Evan Berman. (2019). The Grass is Greener, but Why? Evidence of Employees’ Perceived Sector Mismatch. International Public Management Journal,
22(3), 560-589.
Mehmet Akif Demircioglu and Chung-An Chen. (2019). Public Employees’ Use of Social Media: Its Impact on Need Satisfaction and Intrinsic Work Motivation. Government Information Quarterly,
36(1), 51-60.
Azusa Katagiri and Eric Min. (2019). "The Credibility of Public and Private Diplomatic Signals: A Document-Based Approach". American Political Science Review, 113(1), 156-172.
Christopher Holman. (2019). Hobbes and the Tragedy of Democracy. History of Political Thought, 40(4): 646-672.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2019). Electoral Secularism in Singapore: Political Responses to Homosexuality. Asian Studies Review, 43(2), 239-255.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2019). The Mahathir Effect in Malaysia’s 2018 Election: The Role of Credible Personalities in Regime Transitions. Democratization, 26 (3), 521-536.
Felicity HH Chan.(2019). Claiming ordinary space in the ‘cosmopolitan grid’: The case of Singapore. In Tridib Banerjee and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, eds. The New Companion to Urban Design. Routledge.
Lucie Cerna and Meng-Hsuan Chou (2019) Defining “Talent”: Insights from Management and Migration Literatures for Policy Design. Policy Studies Journal, 47(3), 819-848.
Exequiel Cabanda, Ee Siong Tan, and Meng-Hsuan Chou (2019) Higher Education Regionalism in Asia: What Implications for Europe? European Journal of Higher Education, 9(1), 87-101.
Exequiel Cabanda and Meng-Hsuan Chou (2019). Designing the export of nurses: whither “Asian values” in emigration policies of the Philippines? In Heike Grimm, ed., Public Policy Research in the Global South. Springer Fachmedien, pp. 197-213.
Meng-Hsuan Chou and Pauline Ravinet (2019). Designing Global Public Policies in the 21st Century. In Diane Stone and Kim Moloney, eds., Oxford Handbook on Global Public Policy and Transnational Administration. Oxford University Press, pp. 437-452.
Hong Liu and Guanie Lim (2019). The Political Economy of a Rising China in Southeast Asia: Malaysia’s Responses to the Belt and Road Initiative. Journal of Contemporary China, 28(116), 216-231. [Reprinted in Suisheng Zhao ed., China’s New Global Strategy: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). London: Routledge, 2020, pp. 158-173].
N. Ren and Hong Liu (2019). Domesticating ‘Transnational Cultural Capital’: The Chinese State and Diasporic Technopreneur Returnees. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(3): 2308-2327.
Hong Liu and T. Zhou (2019). Bandung Humanism and a New Understanding of the Global South: An Introduction. Critical Asian Studies 51(2): 141-44.
Hong Liu (2019). Global Talent Management and Higher Education Governance: The Singapore Experience in a Comparative Perspective. In Eric Yipeng Liu, ed., Research Handbook of International Talent Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 339-363.
Hong Liu and Yishu Zhou (2019). New Chinese Capitalism and ASEAN Economic Community. In Yos Santasombat, ed., The Sociology of Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Prospects. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-75.
Xu-Dong Zhang, Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk, Yue-Hong Han, Gui-Rong Chen, Gui-Lei Zhang, Bao-Sheng Zhu, and Stanley Luchters. (2019). Ethical Considerations for Conducting Sexual and Reproductive Health Research with Female Adolescents Engaged in High-risk Behaviours in China. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 20, 46-53.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2019). A Human Rights Based Approach to Bridge Gender Digital Divide: The Case Study of India. In Idongesit Williams, Olga Kretova and Roslyn Layton, ed. Gender Gaps and the Social Inclusion Movement in ICT. IGI Global, pp.24-44.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2019). A Human Rights Based Approach to Teenage Pregnancy Prevention in China. In Devi Akella, ed. Socio-Cultural Influences on Teenage Pregnancy and Contemporary Prevention Measures. IGI Global, pp.95-116.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2019). Strengthening Cybersecurity in Singapore: Challenges, Responses and the Way Forward. In Ryma Abassi and Aida Ben Chehida Douss, eds. Security Frameworks in Contemporary Electronic Government. IGI Global, pp.96-128.
Kei Koga. (2019). Japan’s “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” Strategy: Tokyo’s Tactical Hedging and the Implications for ASEAN. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 41(2), 286-313.
Kei Koga. (2019). Japan’s Diplomatic Strategy toward East Asia: Creation and Evolution of ‘Dual-Track Diplomacy’ in the Post-Cold War Era. Baltic Journal of European Studies, 9(2), 40-60.
Kei Koga. (2019). Japan and Southeast Asia in the Indo-Pacific. In Kyle Springer, ed., Implementing the Indo-Pacific: Japan’s region building initiatives, Perth: PerthUSAsia Centre, pp. 24-37.
Kei Koga. (2019). Japan-Southeast Asia Relations: The Emerging Indo-Pacific Era. Comparative Connections 21(1): 125-133.
Kei Koga. (2019). JAPAN: Coming Up with the Indo-Pacific Concept. In John Hemmings, ed., Infrastructure, Ideas, and Strategy in the Indo-Pacific (London: The Henry Jackson Society), pp. 20-24.
Dylan M.H. Loh (2019). Institutional Habitus, State identity, and China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. International Studies Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/isr/viz051
Dylan M.H. Loh (2019). The ‘Chinese Dream’ and the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’: narratives, practices, and sub-state actors. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/irap/lcz018
Rosalie Hooi and Jue Wang (2019), “Research Funding and Academic Engagement: a Singapore Case”. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (forthcoming).
Wei Li, Jue Wang, Rongxiao Chen, Yongqin Xi, Shi Qiang Liu, Feimei Wu, Mahmoud Masoud, and Xueping Wu. (2019). Innovation-driven industrial green development: the moderating role of regional factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 344-354.
Jue Wang, Rosalie Hooi, Andrew Li and Meng-Hsuan Chou. (2019). Collaboration patterns of mobile academics: the impact of international mobility. Science and Public Policy, 46(3), 450-462.
Jue Wang and Rosalie Hooi. (2019). The moderation effect of workplace experience on innovation motivation: a study of STEM faculty in Singapore. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 31(7): 862-874
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Bureaucratizing Islam: State Strategies and Muslim Responses in Singapore. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 4 (3), 297-313.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Inclusion-Moderation or Political Opportunity? Lessons from the Case of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, PAS). Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 56 (4), 407-426.
Walid Jumblatt Abdullah. (2018). Selective History and Hegemony-Making: The Case of Singapore. International Political Science Review, 39 (4), 473-486.
Martina Vukasovic, Jens Jungblut, Meng-Hsuan Chou, and Pauline Ravinet (2018). Multi-level, Multi-actor and Multi-issue Dimensions of Governance of the European Higher Education. In Adrian Curaj, Ligia Deca, and Remus Pricopie, eds., European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies. SpringerOpen, pp. 321-334
Tamson Pietsch and Meng-Hsuan Chou (2018). In Ludovic Tournes and Giles Scott-Smith, eds., The Politics of Scholarly Exchange: Taking the Long View on the Rhodes Scholarships. In Global Exchanges: Scholarships and Transnational Circulations in the Modern World. Berghahn, pp. 33-49.
Chung-An Chen, Don-Yun Chen, and Chengwei Xu. (2018). Applying Self-Determination Theory to Understand Public Employee’s Motivation for a Public Service Career: An East Asian Case (Taiwan). Public Performance and Management Review, 41(2), 365-389.
Chung-An Chen. (2018). “A Little Is Better than Zero” or “Pay Enough or Don’t Pay at All”? Evidence on the Size of Pay-for-Performance (PFP) across the Sectors. Public Personnel Management, 47(2), 119-143.
Christopher Holman. (2018). Machiavelli’s Two Utopias. Utopian Studies 29(1), 88-108
Christopher Holman. (2018). The Councils as Ontological Form: Cornelius Castoriadis and the Autonomous Potential of Council Democracy. In James Muldoon, ed. Council Democracy: Towards a Democratic Socialist Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 131-149
Hong Liu and Tingyan Wang. (2018). China and the Singapore Model: Perspectives from the Mid-level Cadres and Implications for Transnational Knowledge Transfer. The China Quarterly, 236, 988-1011.
Hong Liu. (2018) Transnational Asia and Regional Networks: Toward a New Political Economy of East Asia. East Asian Community Review, 1(1), 33-47.
Tingyan Wang and Hong Liu. (2018). An Emerging Asian Model of Governance and Transnational Knowledge Transfer: An Introduction. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 11(2), 121-135.
Taomo Zhou and Hong Liu. (2018). Chinese Foreign Policy: Southeast Asia. In Weiping Wu and Mark Frazier, eds. The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary China. Sage Publications, pp. 610-630.
Els Van Dongen and Hong Liu. (2018). Diaspora and Migration: History of the Chinese in Southeast Asia. In Gracia Farrer-Liu and Brenda Yeoh, eds. Routledge Handbook of Asian Migration. Routledge, pp. 33-48.
Liu Hong. (2018).《人才环流与 “抢人大战“——从运动型思维到常态化机制》 [Brain Circulation and “Grabbing Talent”: Transitioning from Movement Mentality to Institutionalized Mechanisms]. 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院《政策简报》,2018年7月第 12期,共17页. Policy Briefing, 12, July 2018.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2018). Universal Health Insurance Reform in China: Challenges, Responses and the Way Forward. International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (IJPPPHCE), 2(2), 1-24.
Sabrina Ching Yuen Luk. (2018). The Impact of Digital Health on Traditional Health Care System and Doctor-patient Relationship: The Case Study of Singapore. In Aroon P. Manoharan and James McQuiston, eds. Innovative Perspectives on Public Administration in the Digital Age. IGI Global, pp.143-167.
Sabrina Luk. (2018). Moving towards Universal Health Coverage in China: Challenges for the Present and Future. In Ben Fong, Artie Ng and Peter Yuen, eds. Sustainable Health and Long-Term Care Solutions for an Aging Population. IGI Global, pp.19-45.
Sabrina Luk. (2018). Sustainability Analysis on the Basic Medical Health Insurance for Urban Employees in China. In Ali Farazmand, ed. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer.
Tetsuro Kobayashi and Azusa Katagiri. (2018). The "Rally 'Round the Flag" Effect in Territorial Disputes: Experimental Evidence from Japan-China Relations." Journal of East Asian Studies, 18(3), 299-319.
Kei Koga. (2018). The Concept of “Hedging” Revisited: The Case of Japan’s Foreign Policy Strategy in East Asia’s Power Shift. International Studies Review, 20(4), 633-660.
Kei Koga. (2018). Japan’s strategic interests in the South China Sea: Beyond the horizon? Australian Journal of International Affairs, 72(1), 16-30.
Kei Koga. (2018). ASEAN’s Evolving Institutional Strategy: Managing Great Power Politics in South China Sea Disputes. The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 11(1), 49-80.
Kei Koga. (2018). Japan-Southeast Asia Relations: Redirecting Strategic Focus in the Age of the Indo-Pacific. In Carl Baker and Brad Glosserman, eds., Comparative Connections (Honolulu: Pacific Forum), pp. 129-137.
Kei Koga. (2018). Yasukuni Mondai no Ninshiki Kozo: Makuro-Mikuro no “Rekishi Ninshiki” wo Koete (Recognition Structure on Yasukuni Shrine: Beyond Macro/Micro "History Recognition"). Shinji Kawana and Shiro Sato, eds. Anzenhosho no Isokaku (A Phase Angle: Conceptual Approach to Security Debates in Japan). Horitsu Bunkasha, pp. 32-55.
Kei Koga. (2018). Rekishi Ninshiki (Historical Recognition). In Shiro Sato, Shinji Kawana, Tomoya Kamino, and Kousuke Saitou, eds. Nihon Gaiko no Ronten (Issues in Japanese Diplomacy). Horitsu Bunkasha, pp. 82-91.
Kei Koga. (2018). Tayoka suru Takakuteki Anzenhosho no Wakugumi (Diversification of Multilateral Security Frameworks). In Shiro Sato, Shinji Kawana, Tomoya Kamino, and Kousuke Saitou, eds. Nihon Gaiko no Ronten (Issues in Japanese Diplomacy). Horitsu Bunkasha, pp. 92-101.
Dylan M.H. Loh. (2018). Diplomatic Control, Foreign Policy, and Change under Xi Jinping: A Field-Theoretic Account. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 47(3), 111–145.
Dylan M.H. Loh. (2018). The disturbance and endurance of norms in ASEAN: peaceful but stressful. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 72(5), 385-402.
Nilay Saiya and Anthony Scime (2019). Comparing Classification Trees to Discern Patterns of Terrorism. Social Science Quarterly, 100(4), 1420-1444.
Nilay Saiya. (2019). Religion, State and Terrorism: A Global Analysis. Terrorism and Political Violence, 31, no.2 (April 2019): 204-223.
Jue Wang. (2018). Innovation and government intervention: A comparison of Singapore and Hong Kong. Research Policy, 47(2): 399-412.
Jue Wang and Liwei Zhang. (2018). Proximal advantage in knowledge diffusion: Evidence from publication citations. Journal of Informetrics, 12(3), 858-867.
Yasmin Ortiga, Meng-Hsuan Chou, Gunjan Sondhi, and Jue Wang. (2018). Working within the Aspiring Centre: Professional Status and Mobility Among Migrant Faculty in Singapore. Higher Education Policy, 32(2), 149-166.
Liwei Zhang and Jue Wang (2018). Why highly cited articles are not highly tweeted? Scientometrics, 117(1), 495-509.
Yasmin Ortiga, Meng-Hsuan Chou, Gunjan Sondhi and Jue Wang (2018). Academic ‘centres’, Epistemic difference and brain circulation. International Migration, 56(5), 90–105.
2021 - April 2022:
Hong Liu, The Political Economy of Transnational Governance: China and Southeast Asia in the 21 st Century. London and New York: Routledge, 2022. Pp. 227.
Hong Liu, Tan Kong Yam, and Lim Guanie, eds., The Political Economy of Regionalism, Trade, and Infrastructure: Southeast Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative in a New Era. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2022. Pp. 344.
Ban Guorui [Gregor Benton] and Liu Hong, Dear China: Emigrant Letters and Remittances, 1820-1980. Shanghai: Eastern Publishing Centre, 2022. Pp. 324. [Chinese version of the book of the same title published by the University of California Press in 2018].
Joseph Liow, Hong Liu, and Gong Xue, eds., Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021. Pp. 438.
Akita Shigeru, Hong Liu, and Shiro Momoki, eds., Changing Dynamics and Mechanisms of Maritime Asia in Comparative Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Pp. 258.
Abdullah, Walid Jumblatt (2021). Islam in a Secular State: Muslim Activism in Singapore. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Gregor Benton, Huimei Zhang, Hong Liu, eds. (2020). Chinese Migrants Write Home: A Dual-Language Anthology of Twentieth-Century Family Letters, Singapore: World Scientific.
Ting-Yan Wang and Hong Liu, eds. (2019). An Emerging Asian Model of Governance and Transnational Knowledge Transfer, London: Routledge.
B. Guy Peters, Giliberto Capano, Michael Howlett, Ishani Mukherjee, Meng-Hsuan Chou, and Pauline Ravinet. (2018) Designing for Policy Effectiveness: Defining and Understanding a Concept. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nilay Saiya. (2018)
Weapon of Peace: How Religious Liberty Combats Terrorism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Christopher Holman. (2018).
Machiavelli and the Politics of Democratic Innovation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Gregor Benton and Liu Hong. (2018).
Dear China: Emigrant Letters and Remittances, 1820-1980. University of California Press.
Holman, Christopher (2013). Politics as Radical Creation: Herbert Mercuse and Hannah Arendt on Political Performativity. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Book chapters
Hong Liu, Kong Yam Tan, and Lim Guanie, “In Pursuit of Regionalism, Trade, and Infrastructure: Southeast Asia, China, and the Belt and Road Initiative in a New Era,” in idem, eds., The Political Economy of Regionalism, Trade, and Infrastructure: Southeast Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative in a New Era (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2022), pp. xxvii-xlvi.
Hong Liu, “Beyond Strategic Hedging: Mahathir’s China Policy and the Changing Political Economy in Malaysia, 2018-2020,” in Felix Heiduk, ed., Asian Geopolitics and the US-China Rivalry (London: Routledge, 2021), pp. 159-176.
Joseph Liow, Hong Liu, and Gong Xue, “Introduction,” in idem, eds., Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021), pp. xx-xxii.
Joseph Liow, Hong Liu, and Gong Xue, “Conclusion: BRI, Covid-19, and the Future,” in idem, eds., Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021), pp. 439-448.
Guanie Lim and Hong Liu, “Soaring Garuda Meets Rising Dragon: The Political Economy of the Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia,” in Joseph Liow, Hong Liu, and Gong Xue, eds., Research Handbook on the Belt and Road Initiative (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021), pp. 123-137.
Akita Shigeru, Hong Liu, Shiro Momoki, “Introduction,” in idem, eds., Changing Dynamics and Mechanisms of Maritime Asia in Comparative Perspectives (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), pp. 1-14.
Hong Liu, “Modern China’s Imagining of the Nanyang and the Construction of Transnational Asia,” in Akita Shigeru, Hong Liu, and Shiro Momoki, eds., Changing Dynamics and Mechanisms of Maritime Asia in Comparative Perspectives (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), pp. 165-194.