Mr Peter Yuen Ho Hin (valedictorian)
NTU EEE graduand Peter Yuen Ho Hin graduates with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering), Honours (Highest Distinction) with a Second Major in Business. He reflects on his time in EEE, working on different projects and
collaborating with various student bodies.
Peter considers himself as quite a geeky person. One of the things that he enjoyed doing while at EEE was tinkering with different hardware components and embarking on electronics projects as a hobby both to learn and have fun. He has made things like an egg-shaped
drawing robot and a small Sisyphus table during his free time (please don't judge 😊). Throughout his university years, he spent a lot of time running student bodies such as the Garage@EEE maker space and the MLDA@EEE lab. He enjoyed the process of
coming up with novel events for his peers and sharing his passion for learning and tinkering.
Peter noted how he also loved the level of support and freedom that NTU EEE provides to student bodies and initiatives. The student bodies were given plenty of opportunities to organize fun and meaningful events for their peers in EEE and NTU. In his final year, the students
even got to propose and design a new entrepreneurship course. The vibrancy of student life and activities is truly something unique to the school of EEE, he added.
Peter is the recipient of several distinguished awards - the Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award and EEE Excellence Award. He is also the EEE Valedictorian for the Class of 2022 and relishes the honour and opportunity to speak on behalf of his cohort at the convocation ceremony. An ever-compassionate
person, Peter also received the Community Cares Award at MSF Volunteer & Partner Awards 2019 as part of the Homeless Hearts of Singapore. He was also awarded the Professional Engineers Board Gold Medal award in Jul 2022.
One of the goals that Peter wanted to achieve in university was to gain wide exposure to different fields of technology. He is glad that he managed to do that by taking up many different internships from web development to machine learning to hardware
development to finance. These internships were truly fruitful and he couldn't have asked for a more immersive university experience.
Peter extends his gratitude to Prof Shum Ping (Prof Perry), who he said would go the extra mile to take care of his students. Peter said Prof Perry was always available when needed and would offer career advice, internship and research attachment referrals and meals. He also regularly hosted feedback sessions for students to voice out their suggestions on the syllabus and the school in general. The inspiration that such professors give is something truly invaluable to all EEE students.