Ms Liu Jingyuan

Liu Jingyuan graduates with a Master of Science in Communications Engineering in 2022. Being passionate about energy, Jingyuan studied energy and power engineering as an undergraduate in North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) in Beijing, China.
When asked why she decided to come to NTU for her Masters, she said, “NTU has always been my dream school. The QS rankings is also one of my important factors of consideration in coming to NTU. NTU EEE ranks really high in the subject field, beating top US and UK universities. Singapore is also very beautiful and is a safe country. I also like the warm climate here."
Jingyuan said she really enjoyed the various academic and research seminars conducted by various EEE professors and researchers. She felt it was a good chance to learn more about other research happening in EEE. She felt it was wonderful that students in EEE are very willing to help each other. She likes studying and working at the Arc building in NTU as she found it conducive place to study. She also found the professors and lecturers in EEE to be very responsive to her queries. She remembers once when she asked a question at 10pm by email and her professor replied in 30 minutes.
She gives her juniors in EEE some words of wisdom. “Balance your study and life. Never waste your time. And always remember, engineers never quit.”