Mr Sarvash Malani

NTU EEE graduand Sarvash Malani graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) with Honours (Highest Distinction) and a second major in Business and a Minor in Entrepreneurship. Sarvash was awarded the JTC Gold Medal, the EEE Excellence Award, the SP Group Book Prize and was the winner of the NASA Space Apps Challenge. 

Sarvash said his favourite activities in NTU EEE were studying with friends at the Car Park B study area and working on cool stuff in laboratories. He also enjoyed the Ideasjam competition every year. He said if he had to choose one thing he loved most about EEE, it would be the curriculum because it is well structured, allowed different specialisation tracks and ended with internship and deep research.

Sarvash felt that when he was allowed to explore fundamental courses on different specialised streams, it gave him a sense of what he liked and what he wanted to do in his career. This was how NTU EEE helped Sarvash find his passion for energy systems. “There are a lot of opportunities (in NTU EEE), students just need to be willing to explore more”.

Leow Cong Sheng

His semester of overseas exchange at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden was by far his favourite experience.  Although the exchange stint was hit by Covid-19 and cut short to just two months instead of six, Sarvash enjoyed every moment of it: He caught the Northern Lights, jumped into a freezing lake at 3 am in the morning and squeezed in some traveling almost every weekend, an experience that made him so much more confident and independent. 

Co-founding and becoming the president of the NTU Clean Energy Club for two years is Sarvash’s proudest achievement. He said he enjoyed initiating and organising the International Energy Symposium and NTU Cleantech Challenge for the NTU Clean Energy Club.

He was also able to incubate his startup  "Optimize" as he was a part of the winning team of SDG Open Hack. The team was thrilled to receive the S$10,000 funding to build a prototype as winners of Engie x NTUitive Challenge. Finally, being able to represent Singapore at Singapore-India Hackathon 2019 was very special to him.

Sarvash said his favorite professor was Prof Gooi Hoay Beng, a Power and Energy Systems specialist who supervised his Final Year Project and is grateful to the prof for all the support he received.