News: Welcoming LKCMedicine's largest cohort at eighth White Coat Ceremony

On 11 August, LKCMedicine conducted its traditional White Coat Ceremony in a unique hybrid physical-virtual mode, with the onsite segment hosted at the Clinical Sciences Building (CSB) auditorium.

With the Covid-19 outbreak, attendees had to be limited to 50 persons at the milestone ceremony that witnessed the School inducting 162 students to the Class of 2025 – its eighth and largest cohort to date.

The ceremony is particularly special this year as the School celebrates its 10th anniversary.

With masks up and mandatory safe distancing measures in place, the students were grouped in their respective Houses across various locations at CSB.

The event kicked off with a welcome address by NTU President Professor Subra Suresh. Like all major events in the university calendar, Prof Subra said they had planned to have a grand ceremony to mark the momentous occasion. However, with Covid-19, the university had to be creative while not diminishing the significance of the event.

Prof Subra noted that the coronavirus is changing how we live, work, play, interact, and serve.

"Your cohort will be challenged and tested unlike any other. When the dust settles from Covid-19, you will be hardened, more determined, smarter with better perspectives on what really matters. And most importantly, you will have a much greater appreciation on why you are really here. Covid-19 has revealed to us the enormous significance of people like you and your noble profession for the global society," he added.

After his speech, Guest-of-Honour (GOH) President of Singapore Medical Council and Senior Advisor of National Healthcare Group (NHG) Professor Chee Yam Cheng took the stage.

Prof Chee, who is also President of NHG College said healthcare workers such as doctors are in the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"Our mission is to save and protect lives. We are the essential and critical workforce in this pandemic," he added.

LKCMedicine Dean Professor James Best then announced the conferring of the white coat and meaning behind this symbolic gesture. The GOH Entourage – comprising Prof Chee, Mr Lim, Prof Subra, NHG Deputy Group CEO (Education & Research) and Group Chief Research Officer Dr Benjamin Seet, Prof Best, LKCMedicine Vice-Deans and Chief Operating Officer – proceeded to each of the five House venues to witness the students' donning of White Coats.

With all the students in their white coats, they then recited the Declaration of a New Medical Student led by Professor Jennifer Cleland, Vice-Dean for Education.

This was followed by a recitation of a personally penned poem by Year 3 student Priyenka Vijay Anand entitled, "His recovery, my epiphany".

The ceremony ended with Dr Seet delivering the closing speech, expressing his well wishes to the new students in medical school.

"I wish you a fulfilling and rewarding journey of discovery as you take your first steps in becoming doctors," he added.